11 Bad Makeup Habits You Should Exclude From Your Life

Foundation, powder, eyeliner, lipstick, gloss? There are numerous makeup products that are seen by women as great allies in making them more beautiful for everyday life.

However, all care is little! If the products? whose purpose is to enhance the beauty of women? If not used properly, they can have the opposite effect and make you feel ashamed!

Here are 11 bad makeup habits that should be excluded from any woman's life:

1. Using the black pencil the wrong way

In the opinion of the makeup artist Rodrigo Salles, one of the most common mistakes that most women make is to "pass black pencil only in the water line of the eyes, without shadow, without mascara and think it is made up".

Another misuse of the black pencil, according to the makeup artist, is to rub it on the eyebrow, which makes the expression very heavy.

2. Wrong lip contour

Rodrigo points out that the outline of the lips should never be darker than lipstick.

Even for those who want to look bigger and fleshier? To the lips, the tip is to use a pencil of the same color as the lipstick around the outline and take it slightly to the center. Then the lipstick should be applied all over the mouth, with greater emphasis on the center.

3. Overdoing the blush

The makeup artist points out that using too much blush on the cheekbone is a fairly common mistake among women. And soon, a makeup habit that should be abandoned as soon as possible!

Blush should be seen as a product to soften the paleness of the face, gently blush the apples and make the look healthier. So no hype!

4. Wrong to choose blush

Rodrigo points out as another big makeup mistake to use a blush much darker than your skin tone.

The tip is: it takes common sense, too, when choosing it. For each skin tone, there is a more suitable color of blush.

In general, black women can use stronger shades such as eggplant and strong burnt roses. They can also abuse illuminators, brown and gold. For white-skinned girls, lighter shades of pink and peach are good options. For those who have dark skin, it is indicated the pink, peach and brown blush.

But when in doubt, it is better to ask a professional for help than to buy / use a wrong blush!

5. Overdoing tanning powder

"If the woman exaggerates in the tanning powder, it looks like she has snacked on her face", jokes the makeup artist Rodrigo. This is one more habit that should be excluded from women's lives!

6. Use darker base

"A woman should never use a base darker than the tone of her body (her skin)," says makeup artist Rodrigo.

The foundation, as its name implies, is fundamental to ensure a good makeup and is one of the first products to be applied. However, to even out the skin and enable a perfect make up, it must be chosen correctly.

The base color should be as close as possible to the woman's skin color. That is, not to be darker or lighter. As it is not always possible to have this notion only by looking, it is indicated to make a test, passing the product between the chin and the ear.

7. Don't Apply Mascara Properly

"Another common mistake among women is mascara, not cleaning the smudged part and thinking that everything is fine," comments Rodrigo.

It is necessary to use delicacy and calmness when applying this product that can easily smudge and ruin all the makeup that has already been done.

But if an unforeseen event nevertheless occurs, the smudged mascara should be removed with a cotton swab with some makeup remover.

Now, if the damage has been too great, you need to take off your makeup and start from scratch. What gives is not to leave the house with the mascara-dirty face.

8. Try to disguise hairy eyebrows

"Some women use sparkling light shade to try to disguise their hairy eyebrows," says makeup artist Rodrigo. This is a big mistake that should never be made.

Well-made eyebrows enhance the beauty of the face and give even a younger look to the woman. The tip is to keep them always "in order", without more fur!

9. Don't take off your makeup

Sleeping on makeup can be considered one of the worst female habits.

"The mucosa of the eyes may be allergic, the pores of the skin become clogged, increasing greasiness and the appearance of acne," says makeup artist Rodrigo.

10. Forgetting or overdoing makeup touches

According to makeup artist Rodrigo Salles, makeup retouching should be done as often as necessary. "But I believe that if the base used is of good quality, there is no need for retouching, a compact powder will help keep it on the face," he says.

• Mascara only needs retouching if the person wants to enhance the look, ie in situations where makeup should go from day to night.Blush has to be retouched as needed (especially if you're greeting a lot of people). And the concealer also has to be observed always ?, says Rodrigo.

11. Not taking care of makeup products

? It is necessary to check the shelf life and care instructions of each product, which is usually informed on the packaging ?, highlights Rodrigo.

"When buying a brush, also get the liquid that helps clean it," suggests the makeup artist. ? These cleanings should be done periodically, or better, proportionally to the use of the brush: the more used, the more often it will be cleaned ?, concludes Rodrigo Salles.

Be warned: if any or all of these list items are part of your make, change your customs and follow good professional tips to achieve a perfect makeup and always look beautiful out there!


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