11 facts that shorties understand better than anyone

From dull nicknames to rambling among supermarket shelves, sometimes being a short person isn't an easy task. Is it necessary to have a set of waist to go over some mishaps and face people head on? even if it is with the eyes at the level of the nipples of others.

Are you on the shorty team? Then check out the list below and see if you identify with the items we have selected. And if you are a tall person, see the situations that are common in the daily life of a few heads below you and have more patience with friends who walk slower than you? for "shorter" legs.

1. It's not always easy to find clothes that fit right

To throw the first stone who never bought a shirt that completely covered his hands or pants that dragged on the floor with every step? Other than midis skirts that turn into maxis and minis that end up becoming midis?

2. Bringing new parts to the seamstress is practically routine.

Whether adjusting your shoulders, waist, or hem, have you ever taken a piece of clothing to make adjustments. Or ventured with threads and needles at home and solved the problem yourself.

3. Confess: You can often shop in the kids section

In addition to the size is very well, the clothes of the kids have some fun prints! Lucky you.

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4. You have possibly earned nicknames about short stature

And when nicknames aren't derogatory, they turn your name into a diminutive one. Bianca automatically becomes Bianquinha, for example. Better than? Garden dwarf ?, right?

5. And had to walk faster to keep up with friends

Each step of a tall friend equals about 3 of the short person. Let there be breath to keep up with this rhythm!

6. Who here never had to ask for help getting something?

Does reaching a package of toilet paper on the supermarket shelf sometimes turn out to be an Everest expedition?

7. Or had trouble seeing yourself in a bathroom mirror?

Instead of seeing the whole look, having to come across only your forehead or half of the face is a reality.

8. Going to shows is often the torment for little girls

You are either the person who stands on someone's shoulders, or who is really buried in a cupcake of larger people.

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9. Even in the classroom, sitting right in front was the best way out

And neither is it because of being a very studious person or not, it was simply to be able to see what the teacher was writing without having other heads in the middle.

10. As time goes on, they will always find you younger than you are

People often look surprised when you reveal that yes, you are already 16 years old.

11. But when you find other shorties like yourself, it's just joy

Is it too good to find someone who understands exactly the things you go through?

Little people, big problems? Put in the comments if you identified with this list? or if you usually go through a situation that was not mentioned here. And don't forget to share the pride of being the way you are!

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