12 low-calorie fruits for you to eat at ease

No matter if it's a fad diet, or even a dietary reeducation, fruits are a constant presence on menus for those who want to lose weight and eat healthier. Some are even known as fruits that lose weight, because they help to satisfy hunger and detoxify the body.

According to nutrologist Dr. Hugo Coelho Neves, these are extremely important in their regular consumption, as they are great sources of micronutrients (vitamins and minerals), antioxidants, soluble and insoluble fibers. For him, when consumed daily and according to the individual biotype, fruits bring several benefits both physical, such as increased disposition, improved digestion quality and an anti-inflammatory as well as mental action, which may help control the response. to daily stress and elevating the feeling of well-being.

The doctor reveals that each person has a specific biotype, which has flavors that should be predominant and others that should be avoided. "Thus, varying between the flavors beneficial to your body will not only help to avoid monotony (big problem in the medium and long term of its consumption) but also enjoy the healthy substances available from a good variety of fruits," he explains.

Despite avoiding falling into routine, the professional warns that by varying the forms of consumption, you can lose fiber and nutrients of these fruits, such as preparing a juice, for example. For him, the ideal is to consume them in their original state, making the most of their benefits. "If it is necessary to use it in other forms, for example to help children eat certain fruits, it is worth adding a good source of fiber (eg coconut flour) in the juice," he teaches.

12 low calorie fruits for you to eat without fear

It is worth noting that although it is a good option for consumption within the diet, some fruits are rich in calories and can disrupt the desired weight loss. So check below for a listing with calorie bay fruits for you to taste without guilt:

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1. Lemon (12 calories / unit)

Among the benefits of this fruit are the general detoxification of the body, the improvement of peripheral blood circulation, the digestive and alkalizing action, the aid of increased immunity, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action.

2. Watermelon (24 calories / 100g)

This fruit has diuretic action, helps boost immunity, has antioxidant action, improves peripheral blood circulation and improves lipid profile.

3. Papaya (36 calories / 100g)

Papaya has digestive action, as well as assisting the proper functioning of the intestine, improving lipid profile and helping to decrease menstrual cramps.

4. Cashew nuts (37 calories / 100g)

Among the benefits of this fruit, we can mention the increased immunity, its diuretic action, as well as the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory action provided by its consumption.

5. Strawberry (43 calories / 100g)

Strawberry has soothing effect, helping to increase appetite, as well as being diuretic, having digestive action, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and help to increase immunity.

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6. Red Guava (43 calories / 100g)

This fruit is known to aid in weight loss, improve lipid profile, as well as help in the proper functioning of the intestines and increase immunity.

7. Orange (46 calories / 100g)

Among its benefits we can find increased appetite, aid in digestion, improved immunity, antioxidant action, anti-inflammatory and energizing, as well as improved peripheral blood circulation.

8. Tangerine (50 calories / 100g)

Tangerine helps to modulate inflammatory processes, in addition to promoting the body's general detoxification and boosting immunity if consumed frequently.

9. Pineapple (50 calories / 80g)

Pineapple has great digestive, soothing action, as well as diuretic and depurative action, also increases immunity and stimulates appetite.

10. Silver Banana (55 calories / unit)

Among the benefits of silver banana we find the general detoxification of the body, the aid in the recovery of intestinal flora, besides being alkalizing and have anti-inflammatory action.

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11. Pear (68 calories / unit)

The pear has soothing and digestive action.In addition, it also helps to increase immunity, good bowel function and bone mineralization.

12. Red apple (85 calories / unit)

Among the benefits of red apple consumption are modulation of fat absorption, soothing action, improved lipid profile, general body detoxification, appetite moderation and anti-inflammatory action.

Glycemic Index: Another factor to consider

In addition to the calories contained in a food, another topic has recently gained notoriety: the glycemic index of foods. "Calories are the total amount of energy food provides, whereas glycemic index is a measure of the speed of carbohydrate contained in the food to increase blood glucose," teaches Dr. Hugo.

According to the doctor, to aid weight loss, the best measure is the glycemic load, which includes the speed and amount of carbohydrate of each fruit. "Randomized studies prove that the best diet for weight loss and healthy lifestyle is low carbohydrate and high in good fats, so choosing low glycemic fruits is a great choice," he advises.

Therefore, knowing the glycemic index is essential to achieve the desired weight loss. Another important fact is that for diabetics, the ideal is that the fruit to be consumed has the lowest glycemic index, to avoid spikes in their blood glucose.

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The nutrologist also reveals the fruits with lower glycemic index: being avocado with 20 of glycemic index, apple and pear, both with 38, plum with 39, cherry and strawberry, where half a cup of any of these fruits has 41 glycemic index.

Sure Fruit Combos

Regarding the amount of fruits for the ideal daily consumption, the nutrologist explains that the amount and the choice vary according to each biotype. refined flours, for example) and increase fruit intake. "A great option is to organize a lifestyle with 2 to 3 servings of fruits daily," he adds.

Remember that a boring diet is one without varieties, with the repetition of foods. Therefore, it is valid to merge the types of fruits consumed, because in addition to varying the taste, also increase the amount of nutrients consumed. Check out tips from the pro with clever fruit combinations that bring even more benefits:

  • To decrease anxiety: combine pear with apple and strawberry.
  • To detoxify the body: Consume lemon along with pineapple and grape.
  • For a diuretic effect: associate pineapple with watermelon and melon.
  • If you are looking for weight loss: try eating guava with apple and lemon.
  • If the goal is to improve digestion: A combination of pineapple and lemon will be a great option.
  • To increase immunity: combine the power of orange with lemon and watermelon.
  • To increase the mood: Consuming grapes along with tangerine is a great option.

Whether in the pursuit of weight loss, or due to the many benefits found in its frequent consumption, introducing fruits in the daily menu will make your diet richer and fuller. Take advantage of professional tips and add these rich foods to your next shopping list now.

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