Are women in red more attractive?

Attention women who like to wear red clothes: the male brain? Read? this color as a symbol of a female willingness to have sex on the first date. So says a study by a group of researchers at the University of South Brittany, France, and published by the Journal of Social Psychology. The study also claims to have uncovered the reasons why men think in this way.

The research was conducted through interviews and behavioral analysis of 120 male students, aged between 18 and 21 years. After being exposed to pictures of the same woman wearing red, blue, white and green, the volunteers answered a questionnaire in which they should rate between one and nine the degree of attraction to her, depending on the color of the blouse she wore in each. Photograph. Scholars say that most of them did think that when a woman wears red clothes, it is because she has a kind of "sexual intent," though unconscious, as if they chose that particular color because of their ability to convey that intent to them.

According to those responsible for the study, the explanation for this belief has its roots in the association of red with fertility, lust and love, and is related to issues of biological evolution. "During its fertile phase, the perineum of female baboons and chimpanzees turns red, probably to attract males of the species," the scientists say.

Interestingly, according to the volunteers, women who wear red are more attractive without necessarily choosing the short or low-cut pieces. Apparently their feeling that they are more available for eventual sexual involvement than other women is in fact linked solely to the color of their clothing.

The results are not, of course, a surprise considering that women dressed in red are known to attract male eyes since the world is world. In addition, previous studies have shown that men are more comfortable asking questions of an intimate nature to women wearing this color.

According to Glenn Wilson, a teaching psychologist at Gresham College in London, the study in France also found that women tend to be more attracted to men in red clothes. This is because this color conveys the idea that man is successful. But women in red are attractive to men because of their association with passion. This effect occurs unconsciously and probably stems from the fact that red is a significant color in nature, signaling danger and excitement ?, he says.

Are Women Who Wear Red More Attractive? Social Experiment (May 2024)

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