14 Grandma Beauty Tricks That Still Work

From taking the umbrella because it will rain to the most unusual beauty secrets, our grandparents have always taught us unfailing tips for surviving our daily lives. No wonder they have lived long and know what is right or wrong only from experience.

Beauty and fashion have changed a lot since our grandparents' time until today. With that, the behavior of women too. But there are breakthroughs every woman needs to know to make life more practical.

In addition, today we are used to having everything in our hands: there are special products, proprietary appliances and treatments that give us the expected results, while back then it was all on the basis of improvisation.

Follow the tips below and get the solution of your life for days when you can't carry the flat iron or your creams with you:

1. Vegetables as a tonic to moisturize the face

In addition to the cucumber to combat dark circles, there are other benefits we can get with products from our fridge. For example, cooking water from cabbage, spinach, collard greens or broccoli can serve as an excellent skin tonic.

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According to dermatologist Gabriella Vasconcellos of the Goa Health Club Clinic, "These vegetables contain acids that reduce puffiness and fluid retention in the eye area, greatly improving dark circles." According to the expert, the effectiveness is greater with the combination of a good night's sleep and a balanced diet.

How to make: After cooking the vegetables, refrigerate the cooking water. When it reaches a low enough temperature, apply the liquid to the skin.

2. Eliminate your dark circles with potatoes

Want to avoid concealer and soften dark circles in a natural way? Potatoes are great allies. They have soothing properties that will reduce dark circles and improve the appearance of the face, especially when cold, since the? Vasinhos? region will be diminished, improving your look.

How to make: Mash one or two potatoes, until they form a porridge, freeze them and apply in the region for about 15 minutes. It also works sliced, but worth changing every 5 minutes.

3. Eye Care Teas

Teas are also great for alleviating the effects of sleepless nights, especially chamomile. This is because it has soothing and anti-inflammatory action, helping to reduce the dark pigmentation of dark circles. "Cold compresses of this tea contract the blood vessels, having a lightening effect on the region," says the dermatologist.

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How to make: Put two tea bags in the boiling water and let the tea be prepared. When ready, refrigerate it. Apply the bags under the dark circles for about ten minutes and try to make your face look more relaxed and less puffy.

4. Change pillowcases for youthful, wrinkle-free skin

There are those who say that when we sleep, the pillowcase cotton causes our face to be pulled, which causes wrinkles. Gabriella suggests that the information is a myth: "wrinkles are caused only by age or excessive spots of sun."

How to make: Use pillowcases with softer fabrics such as silk or satin.

5. Fix makeup with orange blossom water

Fixing makeup is always a challenge, and it's no use leaving home beautiful knowing that all that will melt in a few hours. You can solve this problem with refrigerator products, such as orange blossom water or an ice cube. In this case, the doctor suggests that it be used with caution to avoid burns on the face.

How to make: Rub orange blossom water on your face and let it dry. With the ice, just wipe the cube all over the face before makeup, wiping with an absorbent paper.

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6. Vaseline for smooth skin

Vaseline is an effective moisturizer as it forms a kind of protective layer over the skin. According to Gabriella, "it helps in the recovery of skin hydration due to its high content of antioxidants and minerals such as magnesium and potassium". The dermatologist still gives the hint: use the product on the knees and elbows, as they are drier regions.

How to make: Pass the product on hands and feet before bed and wake up with smooth and hydrated skin. To avoid stains on sheets, invest in silicone socks and gloves.

7. Shrink pores with ice water

The pores reveal when the face is tired. Applying cold water to her face, will she? the skin and pores temporarily, because it will constrict the blood vessels."The most important thing is to know that cold water should be applied to the face after it is 100% clean, with facial soap and cleansing tonics," says the expert.

How to make: Fill a bowl with ice water and ice cubes. Put the face in the bowl, keeping it in place for 8 to 10 seconds. The cold is bearable, just think of the results!

8. Healthy Skin with Apple Cider Vinegar

Many are the benefits of apple cider vinegar, its skin results are amazing as it can help in treating acne. Gabriella Vasconcellos points out - if you are allergic to vinegar, you should not use it at all. Other than that, being rich in acids, it closes the pores of the skin, reducing the incidence of acne.

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How to make: Mix one part apple cider vinegar to four parts water and apply to face before bed after washing. If you don't see results, try increasing the proportion of the product in the water.

9. Get rid of dead skin

The best way to eliminate dead skin is with a good scrub. And one option is to do it at home with kitchen ingredients like sugar and olive oil. The doctor suggests that "ingredients such as sugar, olive oil and cornmeal can be used as homemade body scrubs because they have powerful antioxidants and minerals, but the patient needs to consult with her dermatologist to know the need for each case."

How to make: Make a 2 to 1 mixture of sugar and olive oil or coconut oil. Apply to face with gentle circular motions, washing with warm water at the end of the process.

10. Have Avocado Hydrated Skin

Do you know that avocado that's already open in your fridge? Take advantage of it to make a face mask that will leave your face hydrated and without redness. The dermatologist confirms the effectiveness: Avocado is rich in vitamins A and C, helping to moisturize and nourish the skin. It is great for stimulating the production of collagen in the face, acting in anti-aging ?.

How to make: Mash the avocado well and spread it over the face, leaving for about 20 minutes. At the end of the process, rinse the skin with warm water.

11. Skin without redness with eye drops

That's right, eye candy. The drug is made to reduce redness of the eyes, but the effect can be obtained on other parts of the body as well. Does it have a red pimple that even the concealer can't hide? Eye drops may be the solution! But be aware of the risks: "Because it contains a high level of acids and chemicals, it can stain the skin," says Gabriella.

How to make: Apply eye drops on a cotton and place on the affected area, leaving for a few minutes. In the end, the pimple will remain on your face, but its color will be more uniform.

12. Bring the ends of your hair with olive oil to life

Over time, after cutting, the ends of the wires begin to become dry and lifeless. This problem can easily be solved with olive oil. As for the risks, it is ideal that the product is not used alone, as it can cause a heavy hair fall, creating a kind of "grease". the thread ?, suggests the expert.

How to make: In a glass, pour half of the olive oil content and microwave for about 10 seconds. After slightly warming, apply it to the hair, leaving it for 20 minutes. By the end of the process your hair will be shiny and pliable.

13. Beautiful eyelashes with curvex

Curvex is the best friend of those women who do not have very large and curved lashes, but there is a way to further optimize their use. Like our hair, which is more easily styled when hot, our eyelashes can be curved when styled from a higher temperature. But beware: the dermatologist indicates that, due to the high temperature, the technique can cause burns on the wires and the eye region.

How to make: Pass the hair dryer through the curvex, warming it. Test the temperature on your hand to make sure it is not hot enough to burn and use it on your eyelashes, being careful not to burn or hurt your eyes. Your eyelashes will look like fake ones!

14. Increase the power of your eyeliner

Warming up the eyeliner can also be a good idea. The pencil material, when in contact with a higher temperature, melts. Which facilitates application and makes the stroke stronger. However, just like the previous one, there is a risk of burns. "A good waterproof eyeliner is best," Gabriella concludes.

How to make: With a lighter, place the flame near the tip of the pencil for a second or two. Make sure it is not too hot before passing the eye. Be very careful not to get burned when trying this technique.

Use and abuse Grandma's tips to keep up with the look. Remember that the effectiveness of the techniques may vary according to the type of skin or hair of each woman.Also, don't go to a specialist for guidance that is more specific to you.


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