15 Prebiotic Rich Foods You Should Include in Your Diet

You've heard of probiotics, right? They are living microorganisms that, when ingested in adequate amounts, provide benefits to our health.

These benefits include colonization of the intestine and protection of its mucous membranes, preventing toxins, allergenic substances and harmful microorganisms from being absorbed into our bodies.

In addition, probiotic bacteria are able to warn our immune system when it needs action, regulate inflammatory substances, and even reduce the risk of developing some cancers.

Probiotics can be found in products such as yogurts and fermented milks containing a higher rate of these microorganisms.

And where do prebiotics come into this story?

Prebiotics are substances derived from carbohydrates, especially fibers, which we cannot digest, but which are the favorite foods of probiotic microorganisms. Thus, a prebiotic diet contributes to the maintenance of probiotics by allowing them to colonize our gut and perform their functions.

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In pharmacies and specialty stores, you will find a number of supplements? sometimes quite expensive? for a prebiotic diet. However, be aware that you can find these substances in your daily diet. Get to know the prebiotic-rich foods and add them to your plate:

1. Chicory Root

Chicory root is known to taste similar to coffee but without providing caffeine to anyone who consumes it. About 47% of the fibers in these roots are made up of inulin, an insoluble dietary fiber that reaches the colon and feeds our intestinal flora.

2. Dandelion

Although most consumed in the form of tea made from its roots, dandelion has in its leaves a good source of inulin. They can be eaten raw in the form of salad and help relieve constipation and improve the immune system.

3. Garlic

Very popular in many dishes of our kitchen, garlic has 11% of its fiber composed of inulin and 6% composed of fructooligosaccharides, another prebiotic substance. This plant promotes the growth of bifidobacteria and hinders the reproduction of harmful microorganisms.

4. Onion

Almost always together with garlic when preparing the spice of everyday life, the onion is also rich in inulin and fructooligosaccharides, two types of prebiotics. This vegetable helps strengthen our immune system and facilitates digestion.

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5. Leeks

In the same family as garlic and onions, leeks have 16% inulin-like fiber, which helps maintain the health of our intestinal microflora and facilitates fat breakdown. In addition, this vegetable is also a good source of vitamin K.

6. Asparagus

Offering about 2.5 grams of inulin per 100 grams, asparagus helps maintain our probiotics and prevent certain cancers. In addition, this vegetable is also a good source of protein, with about 2 grams in that amount.

7. Banana

Do you like banana? If so, your probiotic microorganisms thank you! Although the banana itself has small amounts of inulin, the green banana is rich in resistant starch, which has prebiotic effects.

8. Barley

Famous for being a basic component of beer, barley provides 3 to 8 grams of beta-glucan per 100 grams of cereal. This substance is a prebiotic that promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract, as well as reducing bad cholesterol (LDL) and blood glucose.

9. Oats

Oatmeal is rich in beta-glucan fiber, which favors the beneficial bacteria in our gut, improves blood glucose control and reduces the risk of various cancers. In addition, oats increase the feeling of satiety.

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10. Apple

Apples are rich in a fiber called pectin, which corresponds to approximately 50% of the total fiber of this fruit. Pectin is also an excellent food for probiotic microorganisms, as well as helping our bodies fight off harmful bacteria and lower the cholesterol level in our blood.

11. Cocoa

Are you a fan of chocolate? For know that the good bacteria in your gut are too! By the way, almost that: they really like it is cocoa, an excellent source of flavonols. These substances are beneficial for good bacteria, help lower bad cholesterol rates, and even strengthen heart health.

12. Flax Seeds

Because it is rich in fiber, flaxseed helps regulate peristaltic movements, lowers bad cholesterol, and reduces the amount of fat our bodies are able to digest and absorb. And of course, these fibers do very well for probiotics.

13. Yacon

Yacon, a tuber of origin in the Andes that resembles sweet potato, is rich in prebiotic fibers such as fructooligosaccharides and inulin. These substances help our bodies absorb minerals, strengthen the immune system and regulate fats in the blood.

14. Wheat Bran

Wheat bran is a waste originated from the transformation of wheat into flour that corresponds to the external coating of the grain. Almost 70% of its fiber content corresponds to a special type called arabinoxylan oligosaccharide, which has a prebiotic effect on bifidobacteria.

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15. Algae

Algae is not eaten very often outside of Japanese cuisine, but it is a very powerful prebiotic food. Its effects include benefits for reproducing probiotic bacteria, blocking the growth of harmful bacteria and improving our immune system.

Now that you know all this, it's time to lend a hand to the probiotic bacteria and help them perform their functions in our gut, as we only have to gain from it. Best of all, these are foods that you find in grocery stores or health food stores at much lower prices than prebiotic supplements sold in specialty stores.

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