20 Banana Candy Recipes You'll Want to Make Now

A tasteful recipe for nostalgia, childhood, dessert at grandparents' house: banana candy. Want something simpler, tasty and traditional? Just thinking about the texture makes your mouth water!

Also called banana, banana candy came a long time ago. It is said that the recipe was the invention of slaves, who used the ripe bananas discarded by the masters of the mills ("sinhôzinhos" and "sinhás") to make the best sweets. This occurred in Colonial Brazil, but the recipe remains strong and strong in the families of the country to this day!

You can come up with a thousand and one ways to serve your banana jam: like cake filling with crepes or pancakes with ice cream? Not to mention that the candy is easy to make and is perfect for those days that hits the urge to eat something different.

Banana is one of those fruits that you will hardly have at home. So check out this selection of 20 recipes right now, pick your favorite and? hands-on!

Classic versions

1. Homemade Banana Jam: This recipe has a little secret: bananas need to be very ripe. Use dwarf banana, also known as water banana, and 1 ½ cup of demerara sugar. Enjoy your food!

Read also: Beyond Flavor: Banana is versatile and offers many health benefits

2. Creamy Banana Sweet: This recipe is mega creamy and can be used in many ways. You can stuff cakes and pancakes, or serve with toast or snacks with white cheese. A wonderful combination!

3. Simple Banana Jam: Besides being easy to make, this recipe is very, very creamy. Only four ingredients are needed: ripe bananas, sugar, lemon juice and cinnamon powder. Hmmmmm!

4. Sweet banana cut: best way to enjoy those bananas that are almost over the point? Making a quick, easy and delicious candy. You need bananas, demerara sugar, cinnamon powder and lemon juice.

5. Caramel Banana Sweet: Tasty, this recipe doesn't even take 40 minutes to finish. The suggestion is that you serve your still warm candy with a scoop of ice cream. Have you ever thought that delicious?

6. Pieces of banana candy: The idea of ​​this recipe is that you do not squeeze bananas while cooking. This way, your candy will be filled with soft pieces and a wonderful color.

Read also: 12 Homemade Taste Recipes With Childhood Taste

7. Brown sugar banana candy: How about swapping refined sugar for brown sugar? Try this change and be surprised by the taste. Serve the jam with a little cream and sprinkle cinnamon powder.

8. Sugar-free banana candy: Did you know that you can make banana candy without using any sugar? In this option you will need only one ingredient: very ripe bananas, the amount you want.

Special touch versions

9. Lemon Touch Banana Jam: No Waste! To make a delicious sweet, use those mega ripe bananas that were forgotten in the fruit bowl. Combine with sugar, water and lemon juice. Supersimples!

10. Banana with orange twist: In the most traditional recipes one of the ingredients is lemon juice. This proposal here takes ½ squeezed orange, plus cinnamon, sugar and ripe bananas.

11. Vanilla-Touch Banana Jam: For a different flavor, add to your banana jam 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and 5 pimento or cloves!

Read also: 38 Happiness Flavored Banana Cake Recipes

12. Cinnamon Banana Jam: Add sugar to caramelize. When you have reached a beautiful color, add 3 cups of water, cinnamon and cloves. Then add the sliced ​​bananas and cook gently.

13. Banana Jam with Cloves and Cinnamon: Who doesn't love a homemade banana jam and delicious? In this recipe, cloves and cinnamon powder add an incredible touch of flavor.

14. Banana candy in vanilla syrup: This candy is very fragrant and the vanilla seeds give a special charm. The secret is to use crystal sugar mixed with the seeds of a vanilla bean!

Irresistible and amazing versions

15. Banana jam with walnut brigadeiro: Any doubt that combining banana jam with condensed milk works well? This recipe is made with layers of white brigadeiro, banana jam and loaf of bread.

16. Chocolate Banana Jam: Chocolate banana. Who resists? To prepare this recipe you will use banana, water, cinnamon and chocolate powder. A different and very delicious touch!

Read also: Banana Vegetable Milk is easy to make and brings flavor, freshness and energy to your day.

4 Desserts To Make With Ripe Bananas (April 2024)

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