20 practical tricks for reusing lemon peel

You made a delicious lemonade. And now, what to do with the lemon peel? If you answered "throw them in the trash", it could be a big waste! Lemon peel has many vitamins, can be used in various recipes, household chores and even beauty treatments.

Check out some of its most interesting utilities below:

1. Clean greasy parts

Does your pan, even after good detergent cleaning, remain greasy? Does the stove look like this too? Use the lemon halves!

Throw a little salt into that half-squeezed lemon and rub it on pieces or greasy areas. Then just wipe them with a towel. (Only be careful when using lemon on marble tops, or any other surface that may be acid sensitive).

2. Clean the kettle

Fill the kettle with water, add a handful of thin slices of lemon peel and bring to a boil. Then turn off the heat and let the liquid sit for an hour, drain and rinse thoroughly.

3. Clean the coffee pot

To ensure a good cleaning of the coffee pot, the suggestion is to put in it ice, salt and lemon peel, and shake it for a minute or two. After discarding the mixture, simply rinse.

The piece will be brilliant!

4. Clean the microwave

It is quite common for a food or liquid to get the microwave dirty when heated inside it. In this case, instead of using chemicals, you can try the following: Put lemon peels in a bowl half full with water. Turn the microwave on for about five minutes, allowing the water in the bowl to boil and its steam to condense on the walls and tops of the microwave. Then just carefully remove the bowl and wipe the dirt off the microwave with a towel.

5. Disinfect the trash

After using lemon peels for any of the above purposes, they can still be helpful: just put them in the trash to disinfect it while leaving a pleasant smell in the kitchen.

6. Clean faucet or other chrome part

Lemon scraps can also help keep the faucet or other chrome part of your home clean! The tip is to rub the piece in question with a half of lemon (which has already been squeezed), rinse and wipe with a soft cloth to buff.

7. Clean Cookware

A salt-associated lemon half can also be used to clean and brighten copper, bronze, chrome or stainless steel pans. Just use the lemon already squeezed with salt (or baking soda) and rub it in the pan. Let the mixture act for about five minutes and rinse with warm water. Use a soft cloth to dry later.

8. Clean the stainless steel sink

For the stainless steel sink, use the same method as described for cleaning the faucet or chrome plated part.

9. Fend off insects

Many critters, such as insects, cannot stand lemon acid. The tip, then, is to cut his shell and put the strips on windows or near cracks and holes? where ants and other animals may be entering your home.

10. Make a perfumed humidifier

If your home suffers from dry air during the winter, you can put the lemon peel in a pan of water and let it boil over medium heat to humidify and scent the air.

11. Clean Cutting Boards

Due to the antibacterial properties of lemon, its peel is a great choice for cleaning cutting boards. Just pass half a lemon squeezed on the surface of the board, wait a few minutes and rinse.

12. Keep the sugar loose

If your sugar is often “stoned”, the tip is to add lemon peel to the pot, which will help keep it moist and easy to use.

13. Shave

It is best to use only the peel (without the white part between the peel and the pulp) to make the zest without becoming bitter.

Lemon zest can be sprinkled on drinks such as wine or shakes, salads, ice cream, soups, pies etc. Both to garnish and to give a special taste to the recipes.

14. Make lemon zest powder

It is possible to make a powder instead of lemon zest. Just let the lemon peels dry for about three or four days on a plate and then put them in a blender (or spice grinder) and beat until they turn into a powder.

15. Mix the powder with sugar

A good idea is to mix the lemon zest powder (aforementioned) in a container with some sugar. Then simply use the mixture in drinks or candy recipes.

16. Mix the powder with the pepper

For a salty mixture, put the lemon zest powder with chunks of pepper in a container. This is a great seasoning for salads and other dishes!

17Making candied lemon peel

Candied lemon peels are very easy to make (see below) and can be eaten pure or used in cake, chocolate, cookie or bread recipes.

The first step is to cut the lemon peel into strips. To completely remove its bitterness, it is recommended to soak the strips in the water for one or two days, changing the water several times. Then just bring them to the fire with water and sugar, and stir slowly until the water evaporates and the syrup becomes thicker, wrapping the strips. Drain the excess syrup and place the strips on a sheet of parchment paper, use a fork to separate them and let cool.

Before drying completely, it is recommended to pass the strips in more sugar. Then just store them in a clean, lidded pot in a dry place.

18. Lighten age spots

Apply a small piece of lemon peel to the stain and let it act for an hour. Then rinse the spot. (After the procedure, avoid sunbathing. And before that, make sure you have no lemon allergy.)

19. Smooth Dry Elbows

Use half a lemon sprinkled with baking soda and apply to elbows. Massage the mixture for a few minutes in the area in question. Then just wash and dry.

20. Exfoliate

Mix half a cup of sugar with lemon peel and olive oil? use enough to turn them into a folder. With wet body, apply the mixture and massage the skin. Then wash well.


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