4 tips for feeling more satisfied with meals

If you? Clean? the dish every day and still wondering why you are hungry, try to notice what you are eating. Meals that contain a good balance of healthy carbohydrates, fiber, protein and fat will keep your stomach satisfied for hours. Follow these five tricks on your next meal to feel sated:

  1. Drink water first
    Often thirst can be mistaken for hunger. Therefore, opt for a glass of water before a meal. This will hydrate your body and fill your stomach a little until the next meal to eat better later.
  2. Add chia seeds
    Are these seeds small, low in calories, and rich in fiber and protein? One tablespoon of chia seeds contains 69 calories, two grams of protein, and about five grams of fiber. Since chia seeds are small and do not have a distinct flavor, they will not divert attention from what you are eating.
  3. Eat slower
    Eating more consciously helps you enjoy your food more and helps you to feel satisfied faster. Slowing down and enjoying each bite can even prevent future stomach problems.
  4. Finish with a tea
    A cup of warm tea can help suppress your appetite as well as water. But the kind of tea you choose can also help. Green tea, for example, contains a phytonutrient that has been linked to increased levels of a hormone that causes a feeling of satiety.

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