4 tips from a shoe expert to rock when jumping

High-heeled shoes are a complement to the outfit, but according to New York shoe designer Victor Chu, most women don't know how to choose them correctly. He has even created a course to teach you how to walk elegantly on high heels without feeling uncomfortable.

A recent study showed that 40% of women say they suffer, in the name of fashion, with pain caused by heels. Research has also shown that heels can change the way you walk and change the movement of your entire body, including hips, legs, knees, and even shoulders.

To help women get rid of these problems, Chu shared some tips she usually gives in her classes:

1 ? Make sure the heels really fit

Often when buying a shoe, women force their feet into shoes of the wrong size or a style that is not comfortable or stable. The expert says that the shoe needs to be comfortable in the foot. If you swing around at the ankles, try a different model with thicker straps that makes the shoe more firmly in the foot.

2 ? Check the sole of the shoe

Make sure the sole is completely flat so you do not risk tipping or teetering. This helps to give more stability.

3? Keep the posture

The erect body, with its straight back, head up and shoulders back, gives more stability and control when walking.

4? Look forward

When walking the streets, do not look down. When this happens, according to the expert, it is because the shoes are bothering. Always try to be aware of what lies ahead.

Via Yahoo Shine

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