6 Tricks to Boost Your Memory

If your memory isn't doing everything it can for you, just changing just a few of your daily habits can do wonders for your mind. Check out some of these features you can adopt:

  1. Eat red fruits
    Also known as the berries group, in addition to being highly antioxidant, they have memory benefits: ingesting two or more half a glass servings a week can delay the onset of Alzheimer's by up to two and a half years.
  2. Drink coffee
    Experts point out that caffeine has a substance that protects the brain in general. Ingestion of 2 to 3 cups a day is sufficient.
  3. Eat Cocoa Powder
    Cocoa powder antioxidants can help boost your thinking skills. Try mixing a tablespoon of cocoa powder with skim milk, or sprinkle it on coffee. You can also eat a square of dark chocolate, but make sure it has a high cocoa content (look on the label if it has 70% or more in its content).
  4. Include Omega-3s in Your Diet
    Eat two to three servings of fish a week, such as salmon, or take an omega-3 fish oil supplement. This fat helps control inflammation, which is often caused by insulin spikes from excess carbohydrates in the body.
  5. Burn extra calories every day.
    A recent study found that older adults who burned 300 calories a day with any kind of physical activity (300 calories equals about 30 minutes of running) had a nearly 90% reduction in the rate of mental decline compared with people who made the least amount of movement. Therefore, move for your physical and mental health.
  6. Sleep at least seven hours a night
    Research shows that sleeping more than nine hours, or less than five, causes short-term memory wasting. A good night's sleep should be paramount in your routine.

How To Improve Your Memory RIGHT NOW! (April 2024)

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