7 culinary tricks to make your life easier

From hard-to-open pots to onions that make us cry, the kitchen is full of little problems. Check out these tricks and become expert at solving small? Perrengues? Culinary:

  1. Saving Burnt Rice: Remove the rice cooker from the stove, place a loaf of bread over the rice and cover the pan for 5 to 10 minutes. Bread should absorb the burnt flavor of rice. Serve as usual, being careful not to catch the burnt bottom.
  2. Opening difficult pots: Glue a piece of silver tape to the side of the lid, leaving another part free. Bend the free portion of the tape to make both sides stick together, forming a "puller". Grasp the handle and turn until it opens.
  3. How to tell if the egg is fresh: Put the egg in a container with water. If it floats, it's past, and sinks, it's cool.
  4. Chopping onions without tears: Leave the onion in the freezer, cooling it to the maximum, but being careful not to let it freeze. Now it is ready to be cut without causing tears.
  5. Serving a still hard ice cream: Stake a large spoon into the fire very carefully and serve.
  6. Keeping salads fresh: Store your salads in jars. They will keep them fresh for 7 to 8 days longer than average and their lettuce will not turn brown or have wilted leaves. Plus, this makes it much easier to pick up just the sheets you need.
  7. Heating a pizza in the microwave: Put a glass of water together. This prevents the shell from becoming soft.


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