7 Things You Should Ask Yourself Before Giving Up on Your Dreams

You had a big dream in your mind and you started putting it into practice. However, as time went on, you realized that it would not be that easy to reach because the obstacles of everyday life make you doubt yourself.

Or it may be hard to admit, but it seems that that dream of years ago no longer makes sense in your current life. Is it time to give up and pursue a new goal?

To help you ponder this, check out 7 questions you can ask yourself before you conclude that the best idea is to abandon your dream.

1. Why do you have this dream?

Try to remember the reasons that led you to pursue your dream: personal fulfillment, financial success, recognition, willingness to make a difference in the world? No matter what the reasons, it is common for them to get a little forgotten when we put the dream into practice, as we worry about everyday issues.

Before you give up, reflect on your initial motivations and try to imagine how you would feel if you could achieve your goals and get rid of all the obstacles that make your goals seem more distant.

Also read: 7 Reasons to Be Persistent and Never Give Up on Your Goals

2. Is too much information overloading you?

Online courses, face-to-face courses, ebooks, blogs, expert articles? Does everyone seem to have a lot of information to convey to you? and you get the impression that you need to keep up with everything to realize your dream.

In some cases, the more answers you look for, the more questions you will have. Perhaps it is better to save time and energy and focus on a less comprehensive plan with less information load.

3. Is your goal really smart?

In order for a goal to be achieved, it must follow certain principles and be intelligent. In English, is it smart? by being translated as "smart", and each letter of that word brings a characteristic necessary for its goal to be feasible:

  • S of Specific (specific): A clear and specific objective makes efforts focused in the same direction;
  • Measurable M (measurable): You must have values ​​or references to know how much of your goal has been met;
  • Attainable A (achievable): A very distant and unreachable goal will leave you exhausted and unwilling to strive. Therefore it is better to divide it into smaller goals;
  • R from Relevant (relevant): will your dream meet your needs? Is it in line with the other long term goals you have?
  • Time-Bound Tee (limited by time): A goal must have a deadline, otherwise it will never have an end and you will not know if it has been met.

4. Are you afraid of success?

It seems contradictory, but success and its consequent responsibilities can be daunting for some people. If so, ask yourself why you are afraid to evolve.

As responsibilities increase, you will learn to deal with them or realize that it is time to increase the number of people involved in your project. Trust your ability.

Read also: Impostor Syndrome: Know If You Suffer From This Problem And How To Deal With It

5. Will your life improve if you give up on your dream?

Imagine that you gave up on pursuing your dream. No more investing time and energy in it. How would you feel? Would you be relieved or would you feel a great emptiness?

If the answer is a big void, then this is no time to give up. If, on the other hand, you would be happier, this dream may not be appropriate for the present moment of your life. You can try adapting it or consider taking another path.

6. How much have you invested in your dream?

Estimate how much you have invested to make your dream come true. We are not just talking about financial resources, but also about the time, energy and sacrifices you had to make.

If your confidence is dwindling, remember everything you have already invested and make a list of the progress you have made in that time. Is your effort being rewarded?

7. What would you say to someone else in your situation?

If your best friend was in your situation, would you tell her to give up or continue? We tend to be much more understanding with others, reserving ourselves only criticism and disapproval.

Read also: How to stay motivated when everything in your life seems to go wrong

Be kinder to you. If you are making progress, allow yourself to pursue your dream longer, always at your own pace.If your dream has already become a nightmare, you should also allow yourself to take time to reflect on and consider a change of plans.

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