8 Yoga Positions to Relieve Sciatica Instantly

If you work in the office or spend a lot of time sitting, you are a candidate for sciatic nerve pain.

These pains usually begin on only one side of the lower back and can run down the back of the thigh and can reach the foot. The pain may be continuous or last a few weeks.

This pain arises when the nerve, which is born in the spine, passes through the buttock and down the back of the leg, is pressed or when there is a decrease in circulation in the region.

Generally, sciatica causes a lot of discomfort when the person makes the sitting and rising movements and worsens when the patient is sitting, because the nerve is even more compressed.

One of the best non-medicated treatments to relieve sciatica is the practice of yoga, which is able to relieve discomfort immediately. Get to know the 8 most indicated positions:

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1. Dandasana

The Dandasana position stretches the legs, promoting better blood circulation and releasing pressure on the sciatica.

Be sure to flex your feet and distribute the weight evenly between the buttocks. Keep your spine erect and your palms on the floor.

2. Rajakapotasana

Sciatica occurs when a butt muscle presses on the sciatic nerve while pushing it against the tendon.

The Rajakapotasana position is able to relieve pain because it promotes the stretching of this muscle, relieving the pressure that was on it.

3. Ardha Matsyendrasana

The Ardha Matsyendrasana position consists of a body twist, which flexes the hips and lower back, promoting relaxation of the region. The circulation improves, and the owner is relieved.

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4. Salabhasana

This position lengthens the lower back and improves circulation in the hip region. Again, the pain is relieved due to the decreased pressure suffered by the sciatic nerve.

5. Setu Bandhasana

If you are out of time, opt for this position. It stretches the lower back and large buttock muscles, improving the flexibility and mobility of areas that are often contracted by sciatica.

6. Supta Padangusthasana

This position helps the circulation stretch the muscles of the buttocks, thighs and calves, as well as improve the blood circulation of the torso.

7. Salamba Sarvangasana

This position causes an increased flow of blood and oxygen to the sciatica, causing the pain to dissipate. Salamba Sarvangasana still relaxes the muscles of the buttock region.

8. Bhujangasana

Bhujangasana, or snake position, is a basic but quite efficient position. It provides stretching to the lower back and spine, relieving sciatica caused by herniated disc.

Read also: Yoga: the practice that unites benefits to mind, body and spirit

Sciatica may have a number of origins other than the position we stay in for several hours and the herniated disc, such as spondylitis, spinal stenosis, lower back injury, fracture or cracking of the spinal discs or even a degenerative disease. Therefore, if you suffer from sciatic nerve pain, be sure to consult a doctor.

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