Best (and worst) sleeping positions

Ever wonder how the position in which you sleep can influence your sleep and consequently your quality of life? A lot of people may find that the best position is the most comfortable or even think about it. But the question is pertinent and, from a physical point of view, it is not any position that should be used when it comes to sleeping well and taking care of health. And this is a concern of orthopedists and sleep doctors.

Much research has shown that sleeping poorly can be related to a number of illnesses. So, finding the best form for your daily break may be a good idea for those who want to improve their quality of life.

Certain positions may be more favorable in view of spinal care, or the occurrence of apnea, snoring, or insomnia. Dr. Rubene Campos, orthopedist and osteopath at the Carraro Clinic, explains that "bedtime position can help or hinder body relaxation because it interferes with sleep quality, tissue oxygenation and body circulation".

It will not be easy to change the position you are used to sleeping. Even if you are comfortable with the positions not indicated, it is recommended that you have willpower and try to reprogram your body.

Importantly, if you experience constant pain somewhere in the body, suffer from insomnia or are not satisfied with your sleep, you should seek medical help to understand what the problem is and how to solve it once and for all.

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The best sleeping positions

Belly up

With your back lying on the mattress, your arms resting at your sides and the pillow lower than shoulder height so as not to force your neck. This position may, on the other hand, favor snoring and sleep apnea. ? The ideal sleeping position would be supine or? Belly up? because it keeps the limbs aligned with the body, which facilitates the arterial and venous circulation as well as facilitating the respiratory movement, allowing greater pulmonary expansion and, consequently, better oxygenating the body tissues ?, recommends Dr. Rubene Campos.


Lying on your side with a cushion between your legs keeps your spine erect and does not compromise blood circulation. The pillow should be at shoulder height to prevent the neck from being sideways. Dr. Rubene emphasizes that "sleeping on your side is also a good position as long as you have a pillow support maintaining head and leg alignment while avoiding pressure on one another."

But which side?

Sleeping right or left can make a difference, according to some studies. According to these researches, sleeping on the left side improves digestion and prevents heartburn and burning. It is also the position indicated for pregnant women, as it favors the circulation of blood to the fetus and the natural lymphatic drainage of the body.

The worst sleeping positions

Face down

"The prone position is the least indicated because it forces a rotating effort of the cervical spine and reduces the expansion of the lungs, reducing oxygenation of the body," explains the osteopath Rubene Campos. In order to breathe it will be necessary to twist the neck to the side. This position can bring back pain, tendonitis and other physical ailments, but it can also reduce the possibility of snoring.

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The fetal position is where the person is on their side, but with their back arched and their legs raised, like the position of a fetus in the mother's belly. It is not indicated because it forces the spine and neck and hinders breathing, and prevents the posture is correct.

Dr. Rubene also warns that those who sleep with their hands under the pillow or head are subject to shoulder tendon injuries.

Practical tips for getting you to sleep well

Some recommendations you can follow to get better quality sleep and wake up painless and well rested.

  • Avoid sleeping with your arms up: it can cause bursitis or shoulder pain.
  • Avoid supporting one limb on the other, especially the legs, sideways position, or knees.
  • Avoid sleeping on your arm or hands.
  • Keeping the spine erect is critical.
  • Use pillows to adjust: Between the legs when lying on your side, on the lower back for the sleeping belly, below the belly for pregnant and of course to the neck, always keeping the spine aligned.
  • Choose a mattress and pillows that are appropriate for your weight and body type.

Quick Tips for Better Sleep

Below are 21 helpful tips for a perfect night's sleep, that is, quiet and serene:

If you have trouble sleeping, have body aches, or constantly have a feeling that your night's sleep has not been satisfactory, seek a sleep specialist or an osteopath. Although it may seem like a minor problem, small behavioral changes or simple treatments can help improve your rest and thus influence your entire quality of life.

Best and Worst Sleeping Positions during Pregnancy (May 2024)

  • Prevention and Treatment, Sleep
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