Binge Eating

Eating is closely linked to the sensation of pleasure. For this reason, eating more than the body needs is common. However, even after repeating a meal several times, most people are overwhelmed with a sense of regret, and try to compensate for the "damage". you committed, either through a balanced diet or working out a little more at the gym. However, there are those who make this behavior a routine and, even if guilty, can not stop eating. They are the compulsive eaters.

Signs of Binge Eating

Compulsive eating is a disorder characterized by episodes where the person attacks the food and is able to devour an absurd amount of food in a short time, does not make a point of enjoying the taste of the product, eats everything quickly, does not chew anything right at once. The person with signs of binge eating does not eat only what he wants.

Contrary to what happens in other eating disorders, such as bulimia nervosa, the person does not vomit, laxatives and diuretics. Even without hunger, the person ends up overeating, always. In crises there is an imbalance in the mediators that control satiety, that feeling that we are already full of stomach. That is why the person cannot stop eating and then becomes sorry, with the feeling of guilt, sadness, failure and regret for losing control of himself.

This attitude cannot be defined as gluttony either. The sweet tooth likes to eat, knows how much and what he is eating, is aware of the consequences that can suffer from poor diet. This is why feeling the urge to eat a particular food, overdoing it, but having pleasure while using it as well as being aware of the exaggeration does not mean a picture of binge eating.

Contrary to popular belief, not all binge eaters specifically eat foods rich in fats and sugars such as chocolates, pies, brigadeiro, ice cream. Some of them have a compulsion for fruits and healthy foods and thus a lower risk of weight gain, while others have a compulsion for salty foods (fried foods, rice, beans). In general, the disease manifests between the ages of 20 and 30 and more among women.

Causes, diagnosis and treatment

Doctors ensure that the causes of binge eating are an interaction of genetic, biological, social, familial, and psychological factors. Out of five binge eaters, one suffers from depression. However, the disorder does not manifest itself only in negative situations in one's life. A promotion at work, marriage or childbirth, seemingly positive situations can lead to psychological stress in a pre-disposed person and trigger dysfunction.

Compulsive eating can have unhealthy consequences, but the main one is overweight or obesity. Patients with the disorder can still develop serious gastric problems due to the amount of food ingested. In addition, consuming a certain amount of calories one day, the next day eating normally, and the next having a binge eating episode, compromises metabolism and favors fat deposits.

In order to diagnose uncontrolled eating, the episodes must occur at least two days a week for a minimum of six months. The first precautions for treating binge eating are nutritional. Dietary reeducation and simple tips such as always respecting mealtimes and avoiding hunger are the best way to end this disease. The patient can still seek psychological guidance, psychotherapy and finally, if these two treatments fail, there is indication of medications.

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