Bleeding In Pregnancy: When To Worry

Whether it occurs early, middle, or late in pregnancy, or whether the woman is a first-, second-, or multiple-trip mother: any slight bleeding that appears in the pregnant woman's panties can make her lose sleep. And in this case, a certain amount of concern is really welcome!

Of course, not all bleeding is a cause for despair. In some situations, blood is even normal and poses no risk to pregnancy. But it is critical that the case be investigated.

Check below the possible reasons for bleeding at different stages of pregnancy:

First quarter

According to Janifer Trizi, gynecologist and obstetrician at Hospital e Maternidade Brasil, of the D? Or São Luiz network, bleeding at this stage of pregnancy may pose a threat of miscarriage or cervical bleeding. In both cases, it is essential to seek medical advice as soon as possible.

Second and third quarters

According to gynecologist and obstetrician Janifer Trizi, placenta detachment may occur in the second and third trimesters, which is a more severe condition.

The presence of placenta previa Abnormality in the placement of the placenta - can also have bleeding throughout pregnancy ?, adds the doctor. It is a case that can bring complications to pregnancy so it should be diagnosed as soon as possible. In this situation, bleeding is usually abundant, bright red and does not necessarily come with cramps.

At the end of pregnancy, premature placental detachment may occur, with symptoms such as bright red or dark blood tone, severe cramps and persistent contractions. The situation is serious and must be treated urgently.

"Regardless of the type of bleeding, it is essential that the patient comes to the hospital to be examined and performed USG, being possible a correct diagnosis, saving mother and fetus," says gynecologist and obstetrician Janifer Trizi.

It is also very important that the prospective mother does not despair in these bleeding situations, much less take any medicine without medical advice.

Sexual intercourse

Reports of pregnant women who had some bleeding after sexual intercourse are common. "In this case we have to stop the act on time and look for the nearest hospital," says gynecologist and obstetrician Janifer Trizi. It is also important to avoid a new sexual relationship until you know the cause of the bleeding and hear the doctor's advice.

Mothers reports

Altina Rivoli, 34, a housewife, says that around the fourth month of pregnancy, she had a bleeding that frightened her greatly. “I felt no pain, but I found the bleeding strange and went to the emergency room to make sure everything was fine. I ended up staying all night in the hospital because I was having a urinary tract infection. It was a tremendous scare, as I thought I might have a placenta detachment. The doctor then prescribed me a specific medicine and plenty of water to hydrate. Thank God, was everything all right?

Denise Ferreira, 31, teacher, says that in the 11th week of pregnancy, she had a bleeding after sexual intercourse. “I went to my gynecologist as soon as possible, but he found that everything was fine with me and the baby. After that I had other sex without problems?

Medical consultation

In consultation with the gynecologist, after the bleeding, it is essential that you explain to him in detail everything that occurred so that he can make the diagnosis of the case.

The characteristics of the bleeding may indicate its causes: how long was the bleeding? Was it a light or heavy bleed? Was it accompanied by pain? These and other questions are very important.

It is worth noting that how can pregnancy bleeding occur for different reasons? may or may not be serious - it is not possible to talk about a single treatment. "There are several diagnoses, so for each case will be indicated a specific treatment or past the correct guidelines," says gynecologist and obstetrician Janifer Trizi.

Preventive measures

Although bleeding may occur for different reasons in pregnancy and in some cases is unavoidable, some precautions may help to prevent miscarriage or other problems during pregnancy:

  • Do not smoke or use drugs of any kind, including alcohol;
  • Maintain a balanced diet;
  • Make regular medical checks;
  • Follow all guidelines given by your doctor from the beginning of pregnancy;
  • Do not hesitate to seek medical help if you have any questions.

By following these simple tips, pregnancy is likely to be smooth, without risk to the mother or baby.

Spotting and Bleeding During Pregnancy: When to Worry | Parents (April 2024)

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