Chard: Be amazed by 14 fantastic benefits of this ingredient

Nutrient-rich vegetable with a distinctive flavor, swiss chard is also known as white beet, although it does not produce edible root like the vegetable in the same family. It has thick stem, long leaves in shades of green, can be wavy or smooth, has bitter and slightly spicy flavor.

Very common in the Mediterranean countries, this plant has unknown origin, with reports of its popularity among the Roman, Greek and Egyptian peoples. Another curiosity is that this is one of the most consumed foods in Korea, being presented in canned form, known as kimchi.

14 Amazing Benefits Of Swiss Chard

Although not very popular in our country, this vegetable has several benefits if consumed regularly, deserving a chance to gain space on the weekly menu. Check out some of these benefits according to nutritionist Ana Paula Moura:

1. Its high nutritional value

Nutrient-rich, chard is often considered one of the most complete vegetables for food. In a 100 g portion of this vegetable, there are only about 20 kcal, 4.6 g of carbohydrates, 1.4 g of protein and 1.1 g of dietary fiber. Regarding the mineral salts present in this food, we highlight calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, manganese, iron and potassium. Regarding vitamins, the chard has vitamins A, C, E, K, and B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B5 and B6).

2. Assists in weight loss

As the nutritionist reveals, chard has low calorie value, making it a good food option to be added to a diet aimed at weight loss.

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3. Constipation Relief

"Because it is a food that has a high content of dietary fiber, chard helps in good bowel function, relieving symptoms of constipation," explains Ana Paula.

4. Antioxidant Action

According to the professional, chard is one of the richest foods in antioxidants, substances responsible for fighting free radicals, the causes of cell aging and more serious diseases such as cancer.

5. Helps regulate blood glucose

"This is another action resulting from its fiber-rich composition, which helps keep blood glucose stable," says the nutritionist.

6. Fight mood swings

Because it is rich in magnesium, chard ends up being related to better stress control, insomnia control and headache prevention.

7. Protects the digestive tract

"Consuming this vegetable regularly helps reduce inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, as well as regulate the peristaltic movements of the bowel," says the professional.

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8. Improves Heart Health

In addition to the large amount of fiber, the nutritionist also highlights the presence of potassium, where the combination of these nutrients will help protect the heart, improving the control of blood cholesterol levels.

9. Eye Health Benefits

"Because it is rich in carotenoids, chard helps in eye health, protecting against cataracts, macular degeneration, glaucoma and night blindness," lists Ana Paula.

10. Regulation of blood pressure

According to the professional, this action is the combination of minerals present in chard, such as potassium, helping to regulate blood pressure.

11. Anti-Inflammatory Effect

As this food is rich in vitamin C, it can prevent inflammation. A good example is to use it to treat obesity, where the patient has a chronic inflammation ?, indicates the professional.

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12. For good bone health

This vegetable has considerable amounts of calcium, as well as the presence of vitamin K and magnesium, substances that act directly in maintaining strong and healthy bones.

13. Improved Immunity

Another feat guaranteed by the presence of vitamin C, which helps to improve the immune system, preventing a wide range of diseases.

14. Guarantees a Healthy Brain

Vitamin K present in large quantities in chard acts directly in maintaining the good health of the brain and nervous system.

Swiss chard is a food rich in minerals and vitamins, which provides improved health and wellbeing. Insert this vegetable into your eating routine now and check out all these benefits.

How to consume swiss chard

According to the professional, this vegetable can be consumed in many ways.A good tip is to use it in salads, taking advantage of its leaves and stalks. The leaves can be eaten raw, boiled or braised and the same preparation options can be used to make the most of your stem, avoiding waste. As it has a harder texture, it is also possible to use the stem in soups, juices, teas or even fried.

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A good tip is to add this vegetable to various recipes, increasing its nutritional value. Good suggestions include oriental recipes, assorted sautées and even the traditional cigar. Remember the importance of washing your leaves and stems well before consumption, avoiding possible poisonings.

Alerts on your consumption

The nutritionist reveals that there are no side effects of its consumption. According to her, it is recommended that patients with kidney problems such as stones consume this food in moderation, since this vegetable is rich in oxalate, known producer of the popular "kidney stones".

People taking anticoagulant medications should also avoid this food, as high concentrations of vitamin K may interfere with the action of the drug.

Easily accessible vegetable and striking taste, it is simple to include this vegetable in your eating routine. Add swiss chard to your weekly menu now and prove all its benefits.

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