How to clean the notebook screen without scratching it

Practical in itself, the notebook brings portability and lets you work from anywhere - whether on the beach, in the living room or even in a cafeteria. But at the end of the day, it's common for the screen to be full of fingerprints and greasy, isn't it?

But care must be taken when cleaning as the screen is very fragile and can scratch, stain and in extreme cases completely damage the device. That's why advertising student Tamires Yamakiho gives some cleaning tips.

Most manufacturers sell the computer with a special sanitizing flannel. ? These flanels are special for cleaning fragile surfaces. They are soft, soft and slide carefully on the screen, removing dust and dirt ?, comments the student.

But if your appliance doesn't come with this flannel, you can clean it with a cotton cloth. Ideally, neutral cloths without designs or details that can scratch the screen. Prefer cotton flannel that is very soft, ”says Tamires.

Never use home cleaning products. Forget about alcohol, acetone, detergents and even disinfectants as chemistry can compromise the LCD. "One can never apply any cleaning products that are not recommended by the manufacturer," warns the student.

There are specialized products that are found in the electronics stores themselves. These products clean easily and do not damage your computer's retina. But you need to use them carefully and not over apply. Ideally, follow the directions on the back of the package ?, recommends Tamires.

Before cleaning, make sure that the screen is smudged with fingers or simply dust. • If it is just everyday dust, wipe it gently with a dry cloth, otherwise you risk scratching the screen. If it is finger fat, the product especially made for screens and computers is the best solution ?, suggests the student.

It is also recommended that you turn off your computer for cleaning. The appliance must not be hot from use and must be away from electrical wires or currents. "He must be totally turned off and cold," the student recalls.

Also be aware of sharp objects that may compromise your notebook screen. No cleaning with sponges or other materials that may have some pebble or some solid mixed. Will that surely scratch your screen?

A very common question for readers is whether cleaning can be done with glass cleaning products. The experts answer: never. "You should never use glass cleaners because the screen is very fragile and can compromise the whole device", ends Tamires.

How to Clean a Laptop Screen (April 2024)

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