Coffee, your new cellulite ally

Next time you visit the clinic or beauty center of your choice, when they are offered that coffee, you will surely remember this story. Because now, besides being fragrant, tasty and stimulating, coffee has just become a great ally of women in combating the dreaded cellulite, which besides leaving the skin looking like orange peel, still detonate the self-esteem of anyone. .

It is caffeine therapy, a method that uses the properties of coffee to perform aesthetic treatments on the skin, especially in the region of the legs and buttocks, softening the signs of cellulite, releasing toxins and reducing measures.

Known for its stimulating properties, caffeine excites the central nervous system and acts on the muscular system increasing physical performance as well as ability to concentrate. Also, in small doses, caffeine also decreases fatigue, but too much caffeine is harmful to health.

How Caffeine Therapy Works

To begin treatment you need to have an evaluation with a professional who will diagnose the degree of the problem and then indicate the number of sessions needed and the skin region that will receive the treatment, according to each case.

The procedure begins with an exfoliation, which aims to remove dead cells, thin the skin, prepare it for treatment and improve its absorption capacity.

Next, a substance containing coffee and green or pink clay is placed directly on the skin. Then the skin is wrapped in a thermal blanket for 30 minutes. This blanket has the function of opening the pores to facilitate the penetration of the active principles of both coffee and clay. Its use is often alternated with that of an aluminum sheet, which helps to reduce sagging.

How does caffeine act?

Caffeine causes blood and lymphatic circulation to accelerate. Already the clay has the function of flushing toxins from the skin, which stimulates metabolism, circulation, the release of toxins and also the burning of fat.


Results vary according to the intensity of the problem. In the less severe ones, it is possible to observe the appearance improvement in the first sessions. In addition, it is also possible to notice a small reduction in measurements, an improvement in fluid retention and a reduction in sagging.

Number of Sessions

On average, the number of sessions required for complete treatment ranges from 12 to 20 applications, which should be done every other day, preferably three times a week, for regularity.


The values ​​of caffeine therapy sessions vary according to the location and size of the clinic, ranging from R $ 60.00 to R $ 150.00 per session.

Who can do it?

Because it is a less aggressive therapy, almost everyone can undergo the treatment, but due to changes in the body, who is pregnant, has heart problems or suffers from insomnia, should not undergo treatment.

When to do?

Due to the high temperatures of the thermal blanket and the aluminum sheet, this treatment may be more comfortable to do during winter, but nothing prevents it from being done in other seasons of the year.

To ensure the best effect for your treatment, it is essential to combine it with a healthy diet and especially the practice of physical activities, and drink plenty of water. So you are prepared to put on your bikini and parade around safely.

  • Cellulite, Body
  • 1,230