Do you already know Risqué nail pens?

Risqué joined the fashion of nail pens at the end of last year. This nail art tool makes life much easier for those who love to decorate nails differently but do not get the precision needed with nail polish brushes. The best of the pens is that as they are water based, a wet cotton solves the problem if the stroke blurs without spoiling the enamel layer underneath. Incidentally, it is noteworthy that the application of the pen should be done on the nail polish and not directly on the nail.

The collection Risqué has launched has 5 colors: Black Night, Snow White, Floral Rose, Tropical Green and Gold Glam and they cost $ 19.99 each. The tip is thin and not only facilitates application but also widens the range of possible designs, from francesinha to leopard. For fixing, the use of top coat is recommended or it may come out with water. The product can be found in perfumeries and specialty stores.

Rainbow Holographic Nails & review of Migi Nail Art Pens (May 2024)

  • Decorated nails
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