Enjoy the benefits of daylight saving time

Waking up an hour early when daylight saving time starts can be a real sacrifice for many people, at least in the first week, but once the biological clock gets used to it, who is not happy to leave work and instead to see the moon, come across a sunny day and be able to enjoy it even if it's just a little bit?

Since it was first instituted in Brazil during the summer of 1931/1932, daylight saving time has undergone a series of changes in terms of dates, times, coverage areas and has even been interrupted for 18 years, returning to effective in the summer of 1985/1986 to contain the low levels of the hydroelectric reservoirs.

In 2008, with the signing of decree 6,558, daylight saving time began to have a pre-established date, always starting at zero time on the third Sunday of October of a year, and ending at zero time on the third Sunday of February of the following year. , except when that day coincides with Carnival Sunday, which causes daylight saving time to extend for another week.

The geographical location of the states that make up the South, Southeast, Midwest and the Federal District, makes the incidence of sunlight during this period make the days longer.

Thus, in daylight saving time, you can take better advantage of this natural light and save energy, especially at critical times when consumption increases, called peak consumption. This time corresponds to the period from 18 to 21 hours, when most Brazilians leave work and come home, increasing energy consumption in elevators, electric showers, lights, air conditioners, televisions, computers, and the whole street lighting system. The idea of ​​daylight saving time is to better distribute this consumption.

If you live in the regions affected by daylight saving time, the only way to adapt to the negatives is to make the most of the positive aspects of this time change. And the best way to enjoy it is to make this impression that you have more time to enjoy life become activities you might not do on normal days.

An hour of clarity a day makes a lot of difference and you can benefit in many ways. See some of them:

  • Open the windows and let sunlight and warmth into your home;
  • Save electricity and save money by turning on the lights only when really needed;
  • Do sports and hikes after hours outdoors, at this time, temperatures are usually more pleasant;
  • Have fun with the kids in city parks and squares without worrying so much about the violence that is usually greater at night, especially in big cities;
  • Break the routine and find your love for dating enjoying the sunset;
  • Invite friends for a happy hour;
  • Take your pets for a walk on the streets.

And if nothing persuades you to enjoy daylight saving time, remember that it lasts a short time and when everything goes back to normal, you will be compensated with a valuable extra hour of sleep.

Daylight Saving Time Explained (May 2024)

  • Wellness, Summer
  • 1,230