Foods that strengthen the immune system

Our body is constantly exposed to bacteria, viruses, fungi and other microorganisms that can attack it at any time causing disease. However, the body is equipped with the immune system, a true army of cells, tissues, organs and substances that have the function of fighting these external invaders.

If you get sick easily, beware: your immunity may be low. Frequent flu, colds and minor recurring infections are signs that the immune system needs reinforcements. He needs care, and having a healthy diet is one of them.

Poor diet can make the body more susceptible to disease. Therefore, making good choices when assembling the dish is very important to avoid weakening the immune system.

This is because the body needs energy and various nutrients to form cells and other substances involved in the body's defense system.

To perform a protective function, nutrients that strengthen the immune system must be ingested daily. Eating them sporadically will not leave the body protected.

Foods That Boost Immunity

Vitamins are among the most suitable nutrients to keep the immune system functioning properly. Vitamin C, for example, has a direct effect on bacteria and viruses, thereby increasing resistance to infections. Already vitamin A, has anti-inflammatory action. Vitamin E, in turn, acts in conjunction with type A and C and selenium minerals, delaying aging. The protective action against cancer and the influence on the control of some types of diabetes make vitamin B6 a great ally of the immune system.

Among the minerals, we highlight zinc, which acts in tissue repair and wound healing, and selenium, which has a similar action to vitamin E, neutralizing the action of free radicals and preventing the onset of some forms of cancer.

Here are some of the foods rich in vitamins and minerals that help boost immunity:

  • Fruits: citrus (orange, lemon, pineapple, acerola, kiwi), melon, cherry, guava, cashew, papaya, cantaloupe, mango, watermelon, banana, persimmon, apricot, cherry, avocado
  • Vegetables: Watercress, Spinach, Cabbage, Broccoli, Arugula
  • Vegetables: Tomato, Carrot, Beetroot, Yellow Pepper, Lentil and Chayote
  • Cereals: Brown Rice, Sunflower Seed, Soybeans
  • Condiments: saffron, cilantro, clove, ginger, paprika, parsley, thyme, bay leaf, basil, marjoram, oregano, pepper, ginger, rosemary
  • Other sources: liver, fish, chicken, egg yolk, nuts, soybean vegetable oils, rice, cotton, corn and sunflower

Live lactobacillus yogurts play an important role in this matter, as they are rich in probiotics, bacteria that help restore intestinal flora and are involved in the production of an antiviral-acting substance that helps fight off invaders. They also favor the absorption of nutrients from other foods, which also helps strengthen the immune system.

Apart from including the suggested foods, another good suggestion on how to strengthen the immune system is to maintain a varied diet by setting up colorful dishes. The more colors, the greater the diversity of vitamins and minerals in the meal.

Ideally, keep these tips in place constantly and not only in winter or when the body gives the first signs that something is not going well. Do not forget that defense is always the best offense.

Tips to Build a Strong Immune System (April 2024)

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