How to organize the home office

Work at home office, or home office, is growing in Brazil, either because companies are realizing the benefits of giving this possibility to their employees or because of the increasing number of entrepreneurs launching new business at home.

Not wasting time on traffic and having ease in dealing with family, housework, physical activities and other chores are some of the many benefits of working at home, but it is important to know how to structure the home office environment to maintain productivity at home. daily work.

An uncomfortable workspace can take your concentration off and make your activities tiring. Planning the décor to properly position and distribute home office infrastructure is critical, as is choosing the right equipment.

A well-designed space avoids distracting attention or hassles or physical limitations, leaving the environment pleasant and functional.

The importance of location

Those who work in a home office should not expect family members to stop doing their normal activities, so it is important to think of a way in which your work is not harmed by the sounds or movement of people and other residents not feeling their work. curtailing the freedom of leisure and rest.

If the activity requires you to spend a day quietly at your computer, the best option is to create a room that is unique to the home office, or to choose a room that doesn't disrupt the activities of others and can be closed.

Lighting, ventilation

To feel good in the home office, good lighting and ventilation is critical, avoiding eye or breathing problems.

It is important that the work environment has a window that illuminates and contributes to air circulation. Light from the window should not shine directly on the desk so as not to cause visual discomfort or damage to equipment such as the computer.

If the environment is poorly lit, artificial lights should be provided and care should be taken that the direction of these lights does not cause discomfort. Architect Bya Barros often points out to her clients the economic and yellow lamps. “The cold white light causes nervousness and agitation to those under it. And depending on your focus makes it difficult even to read on paper.

The choice of colors also has a great influence on the lighting and sense of spaciousness of the environment, so neutral tones are the most used. Candy colors pastel colors are in high fashion and decoration.

Work space

Choosing a good work table is very important to avoid back problems or upper limb problems such as repetitive strain injuries. The work area should have sufficient space for both documents and other work objects to comfortably position themselves in front of it.

Items such as keyboards, mice, and computer monitors have correct positions that prevent musculoskeletal disorders: the keyboard should be at a height that allows the elbow to be bent at a right angle; the mouse rests on the same surface as the keyboard to reduce the traction needed to move the arm toward it; and the monitor between 45 and 70 centimeters away from the eyes and the line of sight of the sitting person with good posture.

Notebook users, if they do so for many hours, should also consider keeping a desk and using this equipment in the same way as a regular computer, providing an external keyboard and mouse, to position them independently of the screen and also preserve heights and distances. that prevent health problems.

To make the workspace more fun, look for ergonomic products, but also with design and colors that give liveliness to everyday life.

Storage and organization

Environment customization choices should be functional to your routine and to the way you are. Those who need a calm and serious space should keep their objects in drawers and cabinets, while those who need inspiration and keep creativity should use display panels and open shelves, for example.

For a home office with a productive structure the organization to locate objects according to needs and priorities is the most important. Getting rid of trash daily and keeping files and records with only necessary documents is critical.

Using channels, cable organizers, or nylon or velcro cable ties to hide equipment wires is also a sign of good organization.

Following good organizational practices and aligning them to your taste with respect to design and decoration is the best way to win the dream home office.Check out the gallery below for some good examples:

Panels that allow the visualization of activities and give access to objects. Photo: Pinterest

Wallpaper balances light environment by adding colors. Photo: Pinterest

Minimalist decoration gives feeling of tranquility. Photo: Pinterest

The carpet and the colorful paintings brighten the atmosphere. Photo: Pinterest

Mirror widens narrow environment. Photo: Pinterest

Strong colors give liveliness to the environment without losing the formal look. Photo: Pinterest

Products with a stripped design draw attention.Photo: Pinterest

Everything seems easily accessible on the shelf with organized boxes. Photo: Pinterest

It is possible to make a home office even in a corner of the living room. Photo: Pinterest

Combining citrus colors with neutral tones makes the atmosphere youthful. Photo: Pinterest

The green color and dark wood give a rustic look that transmits tranquility. Photo: Pinterest

A deep cabinet can turn into a hidden home office. Photo: Pinterest

Labeling the cables is a good way to know what is unplugging without having to follow the wire path to the equipment. Photo: Pinterest

The wall sticker acts as a reminder board to be written with chalk. Photo: Pinterest

Clothesline made with clothespins is a creative agenda. Photo: Pinterest

Box that holds and separates outlets and wires. Photo: Pinterest

Home Office Organization & Makeover! (May 2024)

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