How to wear straps, belts and buckles

The clothes gain an extra charm when worn with accessories that complement the look leaving the woman full of style. This is the case with belts, straps and buckles, which make the production more feminine and can be used to disguise the abdomen.

The bands and belts mark the waist a lot and so you need to be very careful when wearing them. The waist should be marked very discreetly without leaving the abdomen in evidence.

For those who want to disguise the volume in the abdomen should avoid wearing too flashy or large applique belts such as buckles and laces. The best are the most discreet belts and straps, preferably in the same color as the clothing and buckles covered with the same material as the belt. These tricks help to balance by disguising this region of the body.

Fallen belts give a "half moon" shape, which increases the volume at the waist, so it is advisable only for thin women. Belts in low-waisted garments should be worn by women with legs longer than the torso.

Wearing belts and straps with high waist parts makes the woman even more elegant, stretching the legs and silhouette. But to make no mistake, you must maintain a correct ratio between the legs and the trunk.

Elastic belts, however, mark the abdomen quite a lot, so they should be avoided by those with protruding bellies. Opt for thinner belts and belts.

For the buckles there is no error. Thin women can abuse sizes, but overweight women should pay close attention when choosing. When in doubt, always choose small and medium sizes.

Man's Ultimate Belt Guide | Casual Vs Formal | Buckle, Strap & Sizing For Men's Belts (April 2024)

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