Know the Benefits of Regular Pumpkin Seed Consumption

Considered one of the most widely used vegetables in history, the pumpkin has unknown origin, with reports of its consumption in ancient Egypt and Rome, where the latter population mixed it with honey, seeking an easier digestion after consuming meat.

Another theory reveals that it originates in the Americas, being common food to peoples such as the Mayans, Incas and Aztecs. Pumpkin fruit, pumpkin has different names in Brazil, such as jerimum in the North and Northeast and moranga in the South.

Besides the fruit itself, another very consumed part of this vegetable is its extremely nutritious seed. According to nutritionist Daniel Novais, it contains significant amounts of manganese, zinc, tryptophan, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iron and protein, as well as small amounts of B vitamins and vitamin A.

Another highlight of this food would be the presence of phytosterols in its seeds, which is an organic compound that also contributes to a healthier life, regulating cholesterol levels and preventing heart disease.

8 Reasons to Consume Pumpkin Seed

Consuming pumpkin seeds, besides reusing something that would normally be discarded, being a nutrient-rich compound, will still result in numerous health benefits. Check out some of the benefits of regular consumption, according to the professional:

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1. Improve sleep quality: By consuming this seed, you will have a more restful night's sleep, as this food is rich in magnesium and tryptophan, which have a calming effect as well as stimulating sleep.

2. Fighting depression: "L-Tryptophan is considered a natural antidepressant, fighting this disease and improving mood," he reveals.

3. Detoxifying action: According to Daniel, they help reduce toxins in the body due to their diuretic properties as well as the antioxidant activity, which acts directly on the health of the kidneys.

4. Improvement of intestinal transit and satiety: As it is a fiber-rich food, pumpkin seeds aid digestion and guarantee that feeling of satiety longer, avoiding attacking the refrigerator in between periods.

5. Prevents cardiovascular disease: By being made up of phytosterols, pumpkin seeds promote a reduction in LDL levels, known as bad cholesterol and blood clot-forming and atherosclerosis, reducing the chances of a heart attack or stroke.

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6. Prevents osteoporosis: • The seeds have high levels of calcium, zinc, copper, and other minerals bound promoting increased bone density. There are even some studies that have shown that eating pumpkin seeds daily can reduce bone fragility and other symptoms of osteoporosis?

7. Regulates blood insulin levels Because they are rich in protein, the seeds are easily digestible, helping to stabilize blood sugar if consumed in small portions throughout the day.

8. Has antioxidant action: ? The extract of its seed has phenolic compounds, known as anticancer components, since they fight free radicals, precursors of some cancers ?, explains.

How to consume pumpkin seeds

The possibilities of consumption of this food are diverse. Among its forms of consumption, one can cite the most common, where the seed is roasted directly in the oven. To do this, wash them, soak them in salted water for about 1 hour, dry them, season them to taste and bake them until golden and crispy.

Another interesting option is to cook them before baking them. This will ensure a crispy snack on the outside and soft inside. It is also possible to bake them directly in the microwave, where they should be placed in a container with a lid suitable for this appliance, where it will be cooked for about 1 minute at full power. After that, just flip them over and put them back in the microwave for another 1 minute. Repeat this process until they brown.

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If you want to eat them sweet, how about caramelizing them? Add sugar and spices of your choice, such as cinnamon, and bake them. This option is a great idea to consume with yogurt.

A good idea is to make a flour of the roasted seeds, sifting them to ensure a fine powder and can add it to various meals. The nutritionist suggests to beat the flour with fruit vitamins, or to insert in the cooking of beans or rice.

Finally, it is also possible to find its oil version, available in capsules or in natura, which can be used to season salads or soups, and should not be heated, so that it can maintain its original properties.

Regardless of its form of consumption, in flour, oil or in its natural form, this seed can still be used in the preparation of various recipes, blending with other ingredients and giving flavor and nutrients to the dish. Check out some delicious options:

1. Roasted Pumpkin Seed: This recipe demonstrates step by step the procedure for roasting pumpkin seeds in the oven. Remember that cleaning and separating the pumpkin lint are an important part, ensuring a more beautiful look to the snack.

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2. Pumpkin Seed Milk: Why not make a delicious vegetable milk from this food? In this way its properties will be maintained, also benefiting vegans or those who have restricted feeding to animal milk. To prepare it only two ingredients: still raw seeds and filtered water.

3. Avocado, Spinach and Pumpkin Seed Salad: Adding more flavor and nutrients to this delicious salad, here the pumpkin seeds are used toasted and mixed with the other ingredients, giving the dish the missing crispness.

4. Turmeric, Sunflower and Pumpkin Seed Salad: The trick to using both sunflower and pumpkin seeds with an easy-to-taste texture is to soak them the night before the preparation of this salad. This way they will still be crispy, making it easier to grind them in the processor.

5. Marrow Medallion with Pumpkin Seed Crust: Another interesting option for introducing the seed into your diet is to use it to bread meat, ensuring a crispy texture and great flavor to the dish.

6. Pumpkin Soup with Crispy Seeds: Great option for using the pumpkin completely. Its pulp will be used to prepare a delicious creamy broth, while its seeds will be roasted and added to the soup, giving a mix of textures to the dish. All this accompanied by the unique flavor of curry. It's worth a try!

7. Gojiberry and Pumpkin Seed Cookies: Great choice for coeliacs, this recipe is gluten free as well as vegan and has no animal source food. Here the shelled pumpkin seed is minced and mixed with almond flour. Already gojiberry adds that sour taste balancing with the demerara sugar.

Pumpkin Seed Slimming?

According to Daniel, this food has the ability to aid in weight loss, of course, "coupled with a calorie restriction and good eating habits." According to him, in addition to all the benefits mentioned above, being a high fiber option, its frequent consumption will cause the load and glycemic index of other foods to be braked, facilitating digestion and providing more time with satiety.

Now that you know all the good points about regular consumption of this food, add pumpkin seeds to your meals, whether they are in their natural form, in oil or flour, and achieve a healthier and fuller life and diet.

Dr. Oz on How Pumpkin Seeds Boost Immunity (May 2024)

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