Menarca: 16 Doubts Every Girl Has About Her First Period

Puberty and early adolescence is a very delicate phase in anyone's development. In addition to psychological confusion and greater vigilance in society, there are also many physical transformations, both regarding physiological processes and appearance.

For women, this moment of life is usually marked by the first menstruation, technically called menarche, and brings with it a number of doubts. Dealing with the insecurities and new body care you need requires a lot of support from your parents. "Dialogue on the subject and guidance without taboos generate complicity and trust," says Dr. Claudio Basbaum, gynecologist and obstetrician at São Luiz Hospital and Maternity Hospital in São Paulo.

Until adaptation to this new phenomenon occurs, it is necessary for the girl to feel comfortable clarifying her doubts and, if parents are not prepared to give their daughter the necessary guidance, a first consultation with the gynecologist may be a good option. .

Whether you are going through this moment right now or know someone who is, Le Baragosse has selected 16 questions that commonly appear in women's heads when menarche approaches or actually happens. The questions were answered by gynecologists and obstetricians Dr. Alfonso Massaguer of the Mother Clinic of São Paulo and Dr. Claudio Basbaum.

Frequently Asked Questions About First Menstruation

Although very intimate and totally related to individual and personal factors, the relationship with menstruation still raises recurring doubts in many women. As it is a new body process, it may be that some of the novelties may seem intimidating at first, but this is a case where no one is alone and easily their questions and insecurities can be solved.

Read also: 3 tips for the first gynecological consultation

1. After all, what is menstruation?

It can be said that menstruation serves as a warning from the body that a woman's body can already generate a baby. Thus, when there is no fertilization of the egg, menstrual bleeding occurs and this? Is nothing more than the desquamation of the superficial layer of the endometrium, the tissue that lines the uterus internally,? Explains Dr. Claudio.

Because it is a cyclic process, menstruation should occur monthly, as a result of the action of hormones estrogen and progesterone, which are produced by the ovaries. Flow delays, therefore, may indicate hormonal imbalances or pregnancy, as the endometrium does not flake to maintain the embryo during pregnancy.

2. How will I know I will have my period for the first time?

Generally, body changes that signal the proximity of menarche occur about 24 to 30 months before menstruation. These "first events that announce menarche are the telarch, represented by the appearance of the mammary bud, followed by the pubarche, marked by the appearance of pubic and axillary hair," the gynecologist lists.

Menarche depends on several individual and even external characteristics, such as where the girl lives, but usually happens between 10 and 14 years.

3. Why have all my friends already menstruated and not me?

Dr. Claudio highlights the racial, ethnic, habitat, climatic, dietary, and nutritional factors, as well as the effect of sun light on the hypothalamus and the characteristics of each girl's body mass index (BMI) as possible variables. age patterns at which menarche is most common. However, "if menstrual phenomena occur before or after the ages recognized as physiological for these conditions, it is essential that a specialized assessment be made in the endocrine-gynecological field," he warns.

4. Will people know that I have my period?

Menarche brings with it a series of very natural body changes for women. As they happen over time, there is nothing that effectively indicates that from that moment on you are a menstruating girl.

After the first menstruation, the cyclic hormonal actions exert an important transformation in the growth cycle, promote the considered female distribution of body fat, in addition to the internal genital modifications, such as uterine growth; and external, such as breast enlargement, pubertal spurt? rapid increase in height ?, alteration of hair and coloration of external genitals ?, exemplifies the doctor.

5. Is it true that I will stop growing after my first period?

The mother clinic doctor, Dr.Alfonso Massaguer says that growth does not come to a complete halt after the menarche but continues at a slow pace for about 2 to 4 years. "Girls who menstruate early tend to grow longer than girls who menstruate late," he says.

This variation happens because growth does not depend exclusively on the hormonal factor. Genetic, nutritional and environmental characteristics also contribute to the formation of a girl's stature.

6. What should I worry about after my period?

The greatest care needed after menarche concerns the possibility of pregnancy, as the internal genitals are already prepared for possible fertilization. In any case, the onset of sexual life must be accompanied by prevention, especially through condoms, which prevent both unwanted pregnancy and contagion from sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Dr. Claudio also warns of the need for good intimate hygiene, as menstrual blood makes the region more conducive to bacterial proliferation. If interested, intimate soaps can also be used, but with caution.

In addition, other factors that are more remembered also require attention, such as choosing a hygienic pad that suits you well and administering other menstrual symptoms, such as colic.

7. Will menstruation cause changes in my routine?

Many myths surround menstruation. Some people believe that on these days, women should not wash their hair or eat cold foods, for example, but the truth is that "under normal conditions, there are no specific restrictions on women's activities."

The restrictions due to menstruation happen according to the needs of each woman. Too abundant flow and pain can cause limitations because of discomfort. In some cases, you may need to see a doctor and take medications.

8. Is it normal to feel a lot of colic?

When the occurrence of very painful cramps is high and? Impairs the woman's quality of life, that is, it prevents routine activities from being carried out and generates psychological, social or professional damage, it is necessary to do an investigation by the doctor ( a) ?, says Dr. Alfonso Massaguer, warning of the risk of diseases such as endometriosis, adenomyosis and myomatosis.

9. What is PMS and how should I deal with it?

The famous premenstrual tension (PMS) is the set of symptoms that precede the menstrual period. These manifestations can be both physical and psychic, Dr. Alfonso lists the most common as follows: irritability, fatigue, depression, mental confusion, breast pain, headache, bloating, weight gain, bloating and even acne discreet?

As with cramps, PMS only becomes worrying when it affects a woman's quality of life. If this is not the case, living with the symptoms can be guided by your well-being, "some foods and even medicines can be used to alleviate these discomforts," says Claudio.

10. How long will I have menstrual bleeding?

"The usual duration of flow is 3 to 5 days and the average blood loss is variable, but is around 30 to 40 ml / day," explains Dr. Claudio. In addition to the flow, there are other details that help characterize your cycle, making it easier to control your period. "The average duration of a menstrual cycle is 28 days, from the first day of a flow to the eve of the next menstrual period," he explains.

In this sense, a regular cycle is identified as one with an interval of 25 to 34 days between one menstruation and another. Already the intervals greater than 35 days are considered as a long cycle and when there is only the time of three weeks (or less), the cycle is short.

11. What do I need to know about my menstrual cycle?

The best way to know your menstrual cycle well is to write down data about your periods. It is important, even to aid in the perception of possible dysfunctions or anomalies, to keep track of dates, especially for women who have had their sexual initiation. For these, it is valid to pay attention to their fertile period, as well as programming for safe contraceptive methods ?, guides the gynecologist.

Claudio also recommends that characteristics such as the intensity and volume of the flow, the occurrence of cramps in terms of frequency in pain levels be recorded. You can count on the help of smartphone apps like Glow and SaiCólica (available for Android and iOS), which allow you to enter information like this and even notify you not to forget to take the contraceptive.

12. My period is unregulated: is this normal?

? In the first two years after menarche, female sex hormones do not usually have their production completely regular, this is called? Immaturity? and resolves spontaneously in the vast majority of women? reassures Dr. Alfonso.

However, if after the period of immaturity you cannot understand the patterns of your cycle or realize that your period is unregulated, with a lot of difference between the start dates of the flow, a doctor must be consulted ( a) to make a diagnosis of what is going on.

13. Is it normal to have pellets in your period?

According to Dr. Alfonso, the variation in the texture of menstrual blood is due to the different flow volumes. "Blood can become thicker as a clot or change color, turning brown when in contact with oxygen," he exemplifies.

In cases where very drastic or repeated changes are noted, it is worth talking to your doctor for a possible evaluation. Especially if the occurrence is accompanied by severe pain or other symptoms unusual to its physiology.

14. Now that I have my period, do I need to take birth control pills?

For younger girls who have just had their menarche, birth control pills are often indicated mainly to regulate the cycle and menstrual flow. However, the predominant use of this type of medicine is for the prevention of unwanted pregnancy.

In any case, it is essential that the contraceptive be prescribed by a genecologist, because, as Alfonso Massaguer warns, the use of this medicine carries greater risks than benefits, being contraindicated in cases of breast, liver cancer. or genitals; venous thrombosis, infarction or stroke, as well as severe liver disease, migraine with aura, pregnancy and allergy to formula components ?. There may also be restrictions on women who are smokers, obese, and those with lupus and epilepsy.

The expert also reminds that the use of condoms should never be abandoned, as this is the only contraceptive method that prevents sexually transmitted diseases, besides pregnancy.

15. Is it true that contraceptive use helps fight pimples?

It is important to keep in mind that contraceptive use should not be done because of the sole purpose of improving acne. Some medicines, prescribed for both pregnancy prevention and menstrual cycle regulation, may help improve the appearance of the skin, but there is also a risk that the condition will get worse if the medicine is not appropriate.

Therefore, the choice for this method "should only be made by a gynecologist or dermatologist, since every hormone can carry risks and side effects," defines Dr. Alfonso.

16. How often do you need to go to the gynecologist?

Save where parents prefer their daughter to receive first menstrual advice directly from a gynecologist, it is common for the first visit to a doctor immediately after the menarche. If there are no recurring changes in menstrual cycle and flow, an annual visit is sufficient.

The frequency should increase - if there is discomfort or irregularities in menstrual cycle or volume, skin changes, emotional or early sexual life, ”says Alfonso. In these situations, the frequency of consultations is determined according to the needs of each woman.

When should I talk to my daughter about menstruation?

"Although it is a natural and physiological phenomenon, it is important that parents clarify exactly what menstruation is," suggests gynecologist Claudio Basbaum. To fulfill this mission, it is important that the language used in conversation be simple and compatible with your daughter's intellectual development.

The doctor considers that the best time to introduce this subject in a didactic way is when the girl's body begins to undergo transformations of the telarch and the pubarche, which announces that menstruation should happen within two and a half years. Overall, it is this close relationship that shows the girl that she can trust her parents to deal with this news.

If parents are not prepared or informed enough to talk with their daughter about their menarche, having her first visit with a gynecologist before the menstrual cycle begins is a good option. In this case, it is assertive to look for "a gynecologist who has not only the clinical talent, but above all the tact and ability to establish an indispensable bond of complicity and trust in this relationship and at this time of transition," advises the doctor.

On the other hand, a doctor should be consulted whenever parents suspect that their daughter is experiencing puberty early, as it may be necessary to delay the first menstrual period.These cases involve not only "assessing the degree of development of female sexual characteristics, but also the rate of development, as well as growth and bone age," warns Dr. Alfonso Massaguer. The specialist's assessment combined with specific examinations will guide the appropriate treatment for each case.

If the concern is with delayed menarche, there are risks that anatomical characteristics and reproductive capacity are compromised, so it is essential that the diagnosis, based on clinical evaluation and specific examinations, be rapid. "By taking proper precautions in a timely manner, it is possible to correct the causal factors while minimizing the possibility of disturbances," says Claudio.

How to choose the best absorbent for me?

The most common types of tampons are disposable ones: internal and external, but there are also menstrual collectors, which are internal and reusable. The big secret to making the right choice is to try out the models you have access to to find out which one is most comfortable for you. After all, as Alfonso recalls, "the best absorbent is one that brings comfort and tranquility to women, and is therefore an individual choice."

External tampons are the most democratic because they can be worn by any woman at any age and are also the most popular in Brazil and can be found easily. Already the tampons most recommended for younger girls are mini size, because "the menarche may have happened with the development of the internal and external genital organs in progress," he explains.

When it comes to size, you need to analyze your menstrual volume to choose the pad that will best protect you. At first, this may be a trial and error process, which means you always have to have another tampon in your bag to change your case if the blood leaks.

If this accident occurs, consider whether it will be more appropriate next time to buy a larger tampon or if it can be avoided by changing the protector at shorter time intervals. By the way, it is important to remember that it is not very hygienic and it can also be dangerous for your health to stay with the same pad for a long time. "External models should be changed whenever the layer in contact with the skin is moist or earlier, according to the preference of each woman," explains the gynecologist.

Care with the use of common tampons is greater, as there is a risk of so-called Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS). Typically, the recommended changeover time varies from 4 to 8 hours, according to the manufacturer. However, it is valid to opt for this type of absorber for shorter times and to intercalate its use with the external ones.

The unquestioning question: Does wearing tampons take away virginity?

Is it commonly considered that a girl's virginity is lost when her first penetrative intercourse occurs, breaking the hymen? which in some cases may cause bleeding. If this is the concept of virginity that you identify with, there is no need to stop using tampons or menstrual collectors to remain a virgin.

"The normal hymen has a small opening that allows menstrual blood to come out of the vagina," explains the Mother Clinic gynecologist. It is in this natural opening that the tampons and collectors are accommodated, which does not rupture the membrane. If you have any questions, difficulties or pain, it is best to consult your doctor for advice.

You are not alone!

When menarche happens and even during the first months of the menstrual cycle, it is normal for the girl to feel very confused, not know how to deal with so much news, hate menstruation and even feel ashamed to tell her friends and family that she is now menstruating. To minimize the discomfort and longings of this new phase, it is always important that the girl has someone to talk to about it and feel free to clarify it.

Check out below the reports of women who have also gone through this and have various experiences to share.

? Menstruating is not bad ?, by Mayra Resende

With due naturalness, YouTube user Mayra Resende shares her knowledge about menstruation, tampons and the menstrual collector, emphasizing the need for this taboo to be broken. It's part of a woman's physiology, and talking about menstruation should be as trivial as talking about the weather or TV programming.

Understanding the menstrual cycle with Dani Felisberto David

Youtuber on the Women's Self-Esteem channel talks about the importance of marking your menstruation date and explains how your menstrual cycle works by counting days from the start of your menstrual flow.

Anxiety for the first menstruation by Renata Castilho

Blogger Renata Castilho talks about how some girls may miss having someone close to the age of menarche to ask questions. This video also addresses a question that can scare a lot of people: "What if my first period comes and I'm in the classroom?"

If you as a parent need help in dealing with the issue, enlist the help of a gynecologist as well as a psychologist if they deem it necessary. And as a teenager, be sure to seek advice from a woman who has been through this and also have the support of the professionals mentioned above. Is information the best? Weapon? against unwanted situations.

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