Race Clubs: Get Fit by Running in a Group

Considering the fastest growing modality of physical activity among Brazilians in the last year, the street race has been gaining adherents due to the ease and the few requirements to start its practice. For those who don't adapt to four-wall exercise and prefer outdoor activities, running becomes a great option.

Being considered as one of the most suitable modalities for weight loss, since its practice requires a considerable amount of calories, running becomes a great partner of a balanced diet in the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle.

Always relying on perseverance, as progress in this modality can be slow, according to the physical fitness of the practitioner.

To make the practice of running increasingly popular and even more enjoyable, physical education professionals have created advisors for their students, aligning the correct practice of this sport and socialization in groups.

Although practiced in groups, the training passed on to the student is individual, according to the physical fitness of the practitioner. For the race, there is no limit of people, the group can count on numerous participants, each with their own pace. To get started you just need a pair of suitable sneakers and light clothing that allow for body perspiration.

Also read: 10 exercises that help you lose belly

6 good reasons to get started now!

If playing a sport on your own is making you discouraged, nothing like a company to cheer up and motivate your progress. Here are some reasons to join a race club:

  1. Getting out of the sedentary lifestyle routine is not easy, so the encouragement of a friend or running mate can facilitate this start.
  2. Similarly, this same incentive is valid for the practitioner not to give up so easily the sport.
  3. Even if there are no acquaintances in the club, this is a great opportunity to make new friends and improve your social life.
  4. How about spending more time with family? Running can be a good option for doing a day-to-day activity together.
  5. The lack of training ends up being noticed by their colleagues, being charged the frequency necessary for their progress.
  6. Did you reach your goal? Nothing better than having someone by your side to celebrate your overcoming.

That is, there is no shortage of good reasons to practice this activity. In addition to all these positive points, it is noteworthy that there are walking groups as well, where the goal is to make a low impact activity for those who cannot run for health reasons.

The benefits of group running

There are many benefits that running can provide. Does personal trainer Edson Lopes from Tean Fábio Guedes mention burning calories, improving mood, improving sleep quality, muscle toning, strengthening the heart and increasing lung capacity, as well as increasing endorphin production? hormone that brings the feeling of well being? as some of the main physical benefits of the practice.

As social benefits, Edson highlights the opportunity to meet and interact with people who have a common goal, thus facilitating social life.

How to find the race groups

Whether on your own websites or Facebook groups, to find a running club in the city where you live, simply type in the search sites (Google, Bing, etc.) "Running club + the name of your city". This way the results will appear for the search of more information and contact ways.

Read also: 20 best exercises to lose weight

Do not give in to physical inactivity! Look for running clubs in your city and start this practice as soon as possible, either for social integration, for weight loss or for the beginning of a healthier life.

Track & Field with James Van Der Beek and Kevin Hart (March 2024)

  • Fitness, Weight Loss, Fitness
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