The ideal outline for every eye shape

The outline is one of the most used techniques in the current makeup. It serves to do what the name says: outline and delimit the shape of your eye.

Through drawing, you can increase, decrease and highlight your look in different ways, and express through makeup your style and personality.

However, despite being a popular technique, it is still a mystery for those who can not hit the stroke at all, or can only do well on one side and the other always ends up disastrous.

For this problem, the tip is simple: train whenever possible. If your desire is to become master of the outline, practice is your best friend. Try using a gel eyeliner and a specific brush for this purpose and the process will become a little easier as well. It's also worth checking out our outlined kitty guide.

Check out the following tips for proper guidelines for outlining each eye shape.

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The best outlined for each eye shape

Professional makeup artist Anne Trentin at Jacques Janine (RJ) salon explains and gives tips for you to enhance your look even more with the right trace on the eyeliner:

Big eyes: The layout may be thicker and may outline above, below and still apply to the waterline as well. Pulling a little to the side helps give it a sexier effect.

Dropped eyes: Start with a thin stroke on the inside and thicken on the outside. Pass a beige pencil inside to make the eye look larger. Also invest in mascara, start applying the full length of the eyelashes and reapply several layers on the outer corner,? Pushing? well up.

Oriental eyes: Outline from the middle of the eye to the outer corner, raising the line a little higher. At the bottom you can do the same starting from the middle to the outside, close to the root of the eyelashes. Here you can also apply light pencil on the waterline to open the look further.

Small eyes: Make a thin line close to the lashes and use beige pencil on the waterline, so you ensure a more open look with the impression that the eyes are slightly larger.

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The professional adds that it is worth mentioning whenever the trick is in the harmony of the face and the tip is to remember that everything that darkens? Look while, everything that clears, opens.

Tips to make eyeliner easier to apply

Anne Trentin also guides you on the types of applicators so you can choose the one that best fits your needs and skills. Check out:

  • As far as eyeliner types are concerned, there is no better or worse. What counts is which person suits you best.
  • For those who do not have much firmness in the hand, it is indicated the gel eyeliner to apply with a beveled brush, because it is harder and easier to apply.
  • You can also use the pencil-shaped eyeliner, especially for those who will go inside and out.
  • Already those who need to do the thin stroke, the most suitable is the liquid eyeliner that is a little more difficult to apply and requires a little more practice.
  • There are even a few pen-shaped eyeliner that give a little more firmness and are also good for making the thin stroke.


Here's a gallery of dozens of gorgeous make-ups that include eyeliner use. To see the walkthrough and more photos, click on the image caption link to visit the blog with the tutorial.

Read also: 30 Master Tricks to Better Use Your Eyelash Mask

Also read: 6 Tips From A Professional Makeup Artist Every Woman Can Follow

If you like eye makeup, don't give up and practice a lot. Over time the stroke will become easier to do and you will be able to do everything from quick day make-up to more elaborate eyeliner make-up.

HOW TO: Eyeliner Techniques For Different Eye Shapes | Milabu (April 2024)

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