The Importance of Workplace Posture

Those who work hours and hours in the same position need to be careful with their posture so as not to injure the spine or joints and avoid future pain. So we've put together expert tips to take care of you during work hours and keep your body healthy and free from orthopedic complications.

Avoid pain and injury by maintaining correct posture at all times.

One of the first steps to take is to start an exercise routine if you are not already practicing. Physical activity is a great ally in achieving the right postural education and can greatly contribute to your health.

Some of the activities that are beneficial for posture are pilates, hydrotherapy and role playing. RPG (Global Postural Reeducation) is a specific exercise for posture correction.

Another point to keep in mind is your posture in everyday activities such as washing dishes, sleeping and lifting objects. Taking care of posture only at work will not help if at home your posture is not correct. Therefore, always try to keep your spine erect while performing daily activities.

At work, you need to analyze and always be aware of the posture you get while doing your tasks. As we spend a lot of time at work and usually in the same position always, attention should be redoubled.

Those who spend long periods in a chair should get up from time to time and walk around the room to change their position and improve blood circulation in their legs. In addition, daily stretches are advised, especially before starting the workday.

Regarding the ergonomics of your workplace, it is necessary to assess under what conditions you practice your profession. It is important to consider, for example, whether the height of the work chair matches the table height and the position of your work equipment.

However, each profession requires different equipment and each workplace has its details and peculiarities, so the ideal would be to hire a consulting service to assess the ergonomic conditions that the company offers its employees. This way you can correct mistakes that will prevent you from injuring your spine and having pain in the future.

Some companies also provide manuals on how to position yourself to do your work and these rules must be followed so that you do not suffer from working in the wrong position. Also remember that employment legislation ensures that the employee must work in safe conditions for their health. Therefore you have every right to demand better conditions.

However, no working condition will be favorable if there is no policing on your part and too much discipline to correct harmful old customs, such as getting crooked when using the computer. So be careful!

9 Tips for a Healthy Ergonomic Workstation - Mayo Clinic (April 2024)

  • Pilates, Prevention and Treatment
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