Tips to boost your diet without feeling hungry

To improve an individual's quality of life, it is necessary to combine healthy eating with regular physical activity. Research shows that in addition to improving the feeling of well-being, healthy habits reduce the chances of a person developing a serious disease such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension and possible heart attacks by up to 40%.

In order to make this change the right way, you need to look for specialists to guide the right plan for you. After the consultation, starting the program may seem like an easy task, but the outcome will depend on your effort. Here are some tips provided by nutritionists that help boost your diet and change habits that harm your health.

Here are 4 surefire tips to increase the effects of your diet.

1 ? Eat slowly

Our satiety is controlled by substances in the digestive tract, so it is necessary to have the main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) in quiet places with a time of at least twenty minutes and focus only on food. Ideally, it lasts for thirty to forty seconds each chew and there is a break for each bite. Finally, it is always worth remembering that drink fluids during meals Slows down the digestion process, so wait forty minutes to an hour to drink after meals.

2 ? Salad first

The salad still suffers prejudice from some people, but it has to be consumed daily by anyone maintain a healthy diet and lose weight. High in fiber, raw vegetables help satiate our bodies, and because they have a small caloric amount they can be consumed in larger quantities. The tip is always to eat before the hot dishes a significant amount of varied salads, so when you get to the main course you will no longer be so hungry.

3? Prefer whole foods

It is worth exchanging refined foods such as flour, breads, rice and pasta for whole foods. For in addition to containing more fiber and nutrients, whole foods have the power to reduce gastric emptying, thus increasing satiety after each meal. These foods also help in intestinal transit, avoiding constipation, a problem that is common in many women.

4? Avoid pinching

People who are in the habit of pinching goodies like: candies, crackers, chips and chocolates all day long have a harder time losing weight. Due to lack of nutrients, these foods prevent the person from being satiated for a long time. This way you feed yourself more often than necessary to stay satisfied. Leave to enjoy these foods only on weekends. During the week prefer foods rich in fiber and nutrients.

How to Lose Weight in 5 Days Without Going Hungry (April 2024)

  • Food, Diets
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