10 Things Women Do Better Than Men

Beyond the so-called 'war of the sexes', there is a truth that must be recognized: women and men have, in essence, such profound differences that it would be difficult to understand how they were eventually regarded as members of the same species. Of course, by doing so, we become better at them at certain points, just as they developed skills that we do not fully understand.

The following list lists some of the things we women have been proven to do better than men. At least that's what the studies of world-renowned universities say.

1 ? Women finish university more often than men

According to a study published by the Department of Educational Statistics in the United States, women are more likely than men to complete their undergraduate degree to the end, and finish their courses in a shorter timeframe than their peers.

2 ? Women eat better

The University of Minnesota conducted a study of more than 14,000 volunteers, which found that women choose their food better, usually choosing healthier ones like fruits and vegetables in general. Meanwhile, men are more enthusiastic about choosing pizza and frozen food, for example.

3? The female immune system is stronger

According to research published by McGill University, estrogen in the female organism acts as a powerful defense tool that helps women cope with infections much more effectively than men. This has one explanation: Estrogen fights a certain enzyme that hinders the immune system in defending against viruses and bacteria.

4? Women live longer

It is understandable that men feel upset about this statement, but it is real. According to the New England Centenarian Study, 85% of people over 100 are women. We generally live five to ten years longer than our peers.

5? Women are smarter than men

According to a compilation of IQ tests around the world, women are, in fact, smarter than men. James Flynn, who is in charge of the research, analyzed IQ tests from New Zealand, Canada, Estonia, Argentina, the United States and Europe to arrive at the final, conclusive result: they lose to us in this regard.

6? Women are cleaner?

A study published by San Diego State University states that, in general, male-occupied office desks are dirtier? than those occupied by women. The survey found between 10-20% more bacteria on men's desks. According to scholars, this is because men are less hygienic.

7? Women learn more easily

The University of Georgia, in partnership with Columbia University, has found that women learn better than men. According to scientists, we are more attentive, flexible and organized, which helps us keep our minds more open to new knowledge.

8? Women Survive Car Accidents More Frequently

As morbid as this may seem, we seem to be saved from tragic accidents more often than men. They are 77% more likely to die in a car accident than us, according to a Carnegie Mellon University study.

9? Women invest better

No, you did not read it wrong. Although the investment sector is considered essentially male, a study of 100,000 portfolios indicated that female investment returns on average 18%, compared with 11% for men. Probably because women are much more careful before investing.

10? Women are getting more attractive

Apparently women are becoming more beautiful over the years. A study that tracked about 2,000 people over four decades of life showed that attractive women had about 16 percent more children than attractive men. Good-looking people, moreover, are 36 percent more likely to have a girl as their firstborn, which means that every generation has more beautiful women around the world.

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