12 foods that contain sugar and you can't imagine

Sugar hides in many foods. As the scientific community links the excessive consumption of this item to numerous diseases, it is important to be aware of what is put on the plate in daily life to avoid having a diet that causes damage to the body.

In order to maintain proper control of sugar consumption, in addition to maintaining a balanced diet, read the labels of processed products and identify ingredients such as glucose, maltose, fructose, high fructose corn syrup, which are synonymous with sugar.

Check out 12 amazing sources of hidden sugar identified in Nancy Appleton's book Lick the Sugar Habit and released by Michelle Schoffro, cook, master of science, PhD, nutritional consultant and orthomolecular doctor, in an article for Care2:

1 ? Bakery Items

Most foods found in bakeries, such as breads, cakes, cookies and donuts, contain a high sugar content, even those that are salty, because in these cases sugar comes through carbohydrates.

2 ? Hamburgers

In industrial production of hamburgers, dehydrated corn syrup and molasses are added to the meat, two different forms of sugar that, in addition to making the food highly caloric, prevent the shrinkage of meat during cooking.

3? Salmon

Before salmon do I need omega 3 rich fish? Considered a great food for the fight against cardiovascular disease, being canned it is dipped in a sugar solution that is not beneficial to health. So if you are going to eat salmon, give preference to the fresh one or wash the canned fish well.

4? Beef

Many refrigerators give the cattle sugar mixed with the feed before slaughter to? Improve? the flavor and color of the cured meat. Analyze the provenance of the meat you eat and seek information about the feeding of these animals before going to the butcher shop.

5? Chicken

Some fast food restaurants sell inject a sugar or honey solution into the chicken before preparing it as a delicacy to be served.

6? salt

Amazing as it may seem even in salt can be found sugar, so decrease the daily intake of this spice.

7? Bacon and sausages

Sugar is used in the processing of both bacon and sausages, such as sausage, sausage and various meat pates.

8? Broth

Ready seasonings such as broth contain, for the most part, sugar. It is even the one that binds the cube and allows the food to gain golden colors and thick liquid.

9? Peanut butter

Peanut butter, even in its non-sweet version, tends to contain sugar in its composition.

10? Dehydrated Cereals

Dehydrated cereals, such as granola and cereal bars, usually contain very high amounts of sugar as it allows for better grain preservation.

11? Ketchup

Ketchup is a super source of sugar, and nearly half of the calories in this food come from the sugar it contains.

12? Cranberry Juice

Cranberry juice is an excellent replenisher of liquid and mineral salts and is widely used in the United States to promote relief for women with menstrual discomfort. However, over 90% of the calories found in this juice is derived from the sugar it has.

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