12 Remedies for Ear Aches

There are many different types of earache. The most common is acute otitis media (OMA), an ear infection whose pain is caused by fluid trapped behind the eardrum.

Symptoms also vary depending on the cause, but in general may include fever, mild hearing loss, and a feeling of discouragement for a few days.

And not all ear infections need regular medication. There are some home remedies and natural remedies that can help make the pain more bearable. Know:

1. Overseas Painkillers

Some common over-the-counter pain relievers are great for controlling the pain associated with ear infection. They are safe, but it is important to read the package insert and see the dosage instructions. These medications can also help to reduce fever.

2. Cold or Hot Compresses

People often use ice packs or hot packs (either with thermal bags or even a damp cloth) to relieve pain in general. The same can be done for earache. This method is safe for children and adults. Place the ice pack or warm compress over your ear and toggle between hot and cold 10 minutes each.

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3. Olive Oil

The use of olive oil for earaches is a popular remedy, although there is no scientific evidence that dripping a few warm drops into the ear canal helps relieve pain. But it is safe to do so and can be effective. In the case of children, check with your doctor first. And always check with a thermometer that the olive oil is no hotter than body temperature to avoid any risk of eardrum burns.

4. Herbal Extracts

Herbal extracts can be found to buy online and in some pharmacies. Drops of these extracts can be as or more effective as traditional ear remedies and do not require a prescription.

5. Chiropractic

Chiropractic is generally indicated for treatments of the nervous system, muscular system and bones. But in addition to relieving back pain, it can also relieve earache. One study found that 93% of participants improved after this type of treatment, and 43% with only one or two sessions.

6. Tea Tree Oil

Known for its antifungal, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, tea tree oil is widely used for skin problems. But a few drops in the ear can also help reduce pain and discomfort. If you prefer, you can mix it with a small amount of olive oil.

7. Sleep without putting pressure on the ear

Some sleep positions aggravate the pain of ear infections. And some may help alleviate it. Sleep with the affected ear up, rather than pressing it into the pillow. Or put extra pillows to make the head higher, which helps drain faster.

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8. Neck Exercises

Some earaches are caused by pressure in the ear canal. Certain neck exercises can be used to relieve this pressure, especially neck rotation exercises. To do this, sit with both feet flat on the floor, slowly rotate the neck and head to the right until the head is parallel to the shoulder, rotate to the other side, until the head is parallel to the other shoulder, lift his shoulders very high, as if trying to cover his ears with them, always making the movements slowly. Then stretch, count to five, and relax. Repeat a few times throughout the day.

9. Ginger

Ginger has natural anti-inflammatory properties that can help relieve earaches. Place a few drops of ginger juice or ginger warmed oil around the outer ear canal. Do not put it directly in the ear.

10. Garlic

Garlic has antibiotic and analgesic properties. For earache, the tip is to dip the crushed garlic in the hot olive oil, leave it for several minutes, then strain the garlic and drip the oil into the ear canal.

11. Hydrogen peroxide

It has been used as a natural remedy for earaches for many years. Simply put several drops into the affected ear, let it sit for a few minutes and then drain and rinse the ear with clean distilled water.

12. Distraction

Yes, that's right. Getting distracted and doing something pleasant that takes the focus off pain is effective for both children and adults. A movie, a book, a relaxing bath are some of the options that will help you forget about earache.

Read also: 5 Effective Home Remedies to Fight Migraines and Headaches

Many ear infections disappear on their own in about a week or two, with symptoms starting to improve after a few days. However, for children under the age of two, it is important to consult a doctor to monitor the problem.

Ear Infection Symptoms & Treatment Options (April 2024)

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