5 resources to relax and relieve stress

You lead a very stressful life and want to know how to make it lighter? Begin to have a smoother lifestyle by following these activities. See how each can contribute to your well-being.

1 ? Listen to songs you like

Play a playlist on your computer or phone including songs that make you feel good and give you a high spirits. Listening to music helps to have positive thoughts, lower blood pressure and stress hormones, according to studies from the University of Gothenburg in Sweden.

2 ? Observe nature

It is known to breathe fresh air in a natural environment such as a park, woods or even in the garden of your home. help to relax. However, a study by Chonnam National University of South Korea found that even looking at pictures and paintings of natural landscapes can help with this relaxation process.

Enjoying these views has been found to activate areas of the brain associated with joy and memories of good times. So even if there aren't many natural areas near your home, this cannot be an excuse to stop enjoying these landscapes, even if it is through photography.

3? Include tea in your eating routine

A study from University College London found that people who drink black tea often tend to have levels of cortisol lower and are also more susceptible to emotional recovery after situations of intense stress. The nutrients in tea are believed to activate neurotransmitters responsible for the sensation of relaxation.

4? Spend more time offline

Going offline can also have its share of influence on well-being. The flow of messages and notifications we receive while we are online keeps us in a state of alert that hinders the relaxation process.

A study at the University of Irvine in California found that alertness contributes to increased blood pressure and heart rate. Select specific times of day to check your emails and try to go offline a bit to to be able to relax and have a better quality of life.

5? Give more hugs who you like

Hugging and having physical contact with people with whom we have affective ties helps lessen anxiety, according to a University of North Carolina survey. Shaking hands and caresses also help lower blood pressure because it triggers the release of oxytocin? hormone responsible for relaxation.

Make these activities part of your life and benefit from the good they can offer you. Your health thanks you.

Breathing Meditation | UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center (May 2024)

  • Wellness, Stress
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