Is it possible to control anxiety?

From Latin ANXIETATE, anxiety has several dictionary definitions: affliction, anguish, disturbance of mind caused by uncertainty, relation to any context of danger, etc.

Anxiety at first is a natural and normal feeling of discomfort that we all experience in the face of a present danger that makes them prepare for a situation that reduces or prevents their occurrence. Anxiety has the function of reducing discomfort, as it provides an impulse to resolve the situations that cause anxiety, increasing the degree of vigilance, which increases the ability to act in stressful situations. But when anxiety goes beyond the normal limit, it turns into a worrying "always alert" state.

The anxious cannot live in the present, is always thinking about the future and all the bad that can happen. A good example is people who are afraid to drive and who wonder the route to be traveled and the different situations (car dying, accidents, etc.).

Similarly, many fail to get a good night's sleep before an exam or a presentation at the company. In extreme cases anxiety can turn into disorders, distributed as follows:

  • Panic attack: It is a crisis of acute and intense anxiety, of short duration and with physical manifestations.
  • Panic Disorder:: It is characterized by the presence of repeated and unexpected panic attacks or an attack when followed by at least one month of persistent concerns about having new attacks.
  • Agoraphobia: it is the fear of fear, the anxiety you feel in places or situations where it may be difficult or embarrassing to escape, and help may not be available in the event of feeling bad due to anxious symptoms: breathlessness, sweating, dizziness, feeling faint or out of control.
  • Specific Phobias: It is an excessive and unreasonable fear revealed by the presence or anticipation of the presence of a dreadful object or situation. When there is intense anxiety it can lead to panic attack.
  • Social phobia: It is the persistent fear of situations in which one believes that one is exposed to the judgment of others, or behaves in a humiliating or shameful manner.
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD): It is characterized by the presence of obsessive thoughts (obsessions) and compulsive acts (rituals). Obsessions are ideas that come up repeatedly or invade our consciousness involuntarily.
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: It is when after witnessing a traumatic event involving death, serious injury, or threat to one's or others' physical integrity, the event is persistently relived.
  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder: The disorder is characterized by anxiety and excessive worries (an apprehensive expectation) that persist for at least six months.
  • Substance-induced anxiety disorder: use of Alcohol, Amphetamines (common in weight loss formulas), Caffeine, Cannabis (Marijuana), Cocaine, Heroin, Halucinogens (LSD), Inhalants (Cola), Sedatives, Hypnotics and Tranquilizers.

Anxiety is a sign that something is wrong and therefore to be addressed the cause must be identified. When the anxiety level is high, medication use is recommended in conjunction with therapy. Medication helps by decreasing anxiety and allowing the person to have more? Reassurance? in therapy. Over time the medication is decreased until it is stopped. Therefore, the cure for anxiety is therapy, not medication.

In everyday situations that cause us anxiety we can create some habits that make our lives healthier and more enjoyable:

How Charlamagne Copes With Stress and Anxiety (April 2024)

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