20 situations men will never understand

We women go through daily dilemmas, problems and joys that are unique to our gender. Surely you have already been misunderstood by men when facing some situations, saying or doing something.

Know that you are not alone and that every woman has surely thought that only another woman would be able to understand some situations that happen in the female universe.

Holding back the urge to go to the bathroom or take that nap after doing the nails so as not to damage them, trying to match the eye liner trait, among other situations, are things that surely men will never understand. Below is a list of 20 more comic situations and dilemmas that only women understand:

1. Having to take off your makeup when you just want to sleep

2. Not to feel that way the other day

I slept on mascara, I became a panda.

3. Respond politely? that sung

What an amazing and liberating feeling.

Also read: 12 Lessons We Can Learn From Amazing Women's Videos

4. How you feel inside during your menstrual period

Although it looks great.

5. Relief when your period finally arrives after a delay

And you don't even care about the cramps.

6. Mood swings due to hormones

Nor do you understand how you can have so many feelings in one day.

7. What does it mean to sneeze at a certain time of the month?

8. Or have to hold a sneeze while your mascara dries

9. The fact that the conditioner always ends before shampoo

10. The marks after undoing a ponytail

11. And the elastic bands of hair on your arm

12. And because they always insist on disappearing

You can buy millions of them that will always disappear.

13. Despair when it happens to its only elastic

14. The Pain These Chairs Remember

And many fewer hairs.

Also read: 10 Things Women Do Better Than Men

15. Lipstick marks every time you wear

16. Mourning for broken compact

Rest in peace.

17. The wonderful feeling of coming home and taking off your bra

18. And sometimes your will is, well, to destroy it

A complex relationship of love and hate.

19. The dialogue between two women without even exchanging words

20. And especially the wonder of being a woman

Even with some dilemmas we women know how to recognize our joys and the pleasure we have in simply being women.


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