4 reasons to wear less high heels

High heels are one of the main features women use to look prettier. Don't many give up their heels at any time of the day? whether at work, college, meeting friends or even at home. Although it is, in fact, a beauty accessory, its continued use can cause serious damage. If you are a regular high-heel user, consider the factors below and review your preferences.

1 ? High heels is not healthy

Of course, in some situations, wearing the heel is almost a veiled obligation. But try to keep this type of shoe in the closet most of the time, because too frequent use can seriously damage your spine.

In addition, the feet also deserve a rest, even if occasionally. Corns and bunions are among the problems that can be caused by indiscriminate use of high heels. Varicose veins can also be aggravated by this type of accessory, since heels require much more legs than flat shoes.

2 ? High heels is not comfortable

You may have gotten used to wearing high heels most of the time, but that doesn't mean he's comfortable. Try wearing flats and flat sandals for a week and you can see how comfortable these shoes are. If you spend a good part of the day sitting, you may not notice the difference so expressively, but for whom? even short distances? During the day, the exchange will be very welcome.

3? High heels is not always safe

When wearing high heels, there is always a risk that the shoe will become entangled in a gap or floor failure. If you have been through this situation, you know how embarrassing and, most importantly, dangerous to have your shoe stuck on the sidewalk.

Another possible problem is that the floor is so uneven that it is difficult to jump on it. These situations can cause tripping, falling and twisting and the more they can be avoided the better.

There is no legislation in Brazil that prohibits the use of any heel height while driving, but it is always risky to opt for such shoes at the wheel. Apart from the fact that the heel does not provide the firmness necessary to ensure safety, it can be very uncomfortable to handle the vehicle pedals.

4? High heels is not unanimous when it comes to elegance

A few years ago, when low-heeled shoes were not normally designed to be properly beautiful, the use of high heels was justifiable from a fashion standpoint. This argument, however, can no longer be used.

Sneakers, sandals, flip flops and even sneakers are now as elegant as high heels. Do most outfits match these shorter options as well? and you can ride amazing looks without appealing to the jump. Even to go out at night, if the occasion is a meeting in a bar, for example, sneakers may be the best option.

Of course the jump does not lose its glamor? and you can use it in certain situations to feel sexier and more beautiful - but try to put it aside whenever possible.

What Happens When You Stop Wearing High Heels (April 2024)

  • Footwear, Shoes
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