Foods to strengthen hair and nails

The nails are formed by a fibrous protein called keratin and is produced by glands at its base. This protein also makes up the outer layer of skin and hair. The function of nails is to protect the fingertips of the hands and toes.

When the nails show any irregularity, it may be a sign of a health problem or nutritional deficiency.

To keep them beautiful and healthy it is essential to follow a good diet, as the lack of some nutrients and vitamins can make them brittle and fragile.

Insufficient intake of B-complex vitamins can cause nail streaks and a lack of calcium can make them dry and brittle. Vitamin C and folic acid deficiency may have a partial responsibility for nail problems.

Biotin and other B-complex vitamins, along with amino acids, vitamins C and E, help the body make keratin and other proteins important for developing strong nails.

Hair also suffers from hair loss and dryness. Some foods and nutrients help in the mission of keeping them healthy and beautiful.

Eat These Foods for Healthy Hair and Nails (April 2024)

  • Food, Nails
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