5 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

Even with the holidays approaching, it is sometimes difficult to keep calm with all the things to organize, having to face the lines of shopping malls and supermarkets to buy gifts and Christmas dinner, attend all parties and get-togethers, among others. things. Here are some tips to get you started now and stress free at this busy time.

  1. Do not focus on others. Focus on you.
    If your friend got engaged and you were single, or if your work friend got that promotion you wanted, don't stress yourself. Comparing yourself to others just makes you feel inferior. Instead, focus your energy on how you can improve your life.
  2. Be active
    If you know you have a ton of things to do, get organized. It is important that you have time to take a break in the middle of a busy week, such as a healthy lunch or exercise time.
  3. Don't worry unnecessarily
    Live now as much as possible. Getting obsessed with things that might go wrong won't help prevent any of them and will only make you stressed unnecessarily.
  4. Avoid negative friends
    Negativity is contagious and stressful. And once you start thinking negatively, the bad effects can stay for a while. In addition, negative thoughts act as stressors within the body and end up agitating the person.
  5. Enjoy what you have
    Not everything in life is prefect, but give yourself credit, you worked hard to get what you got. Once you realize that you have achieved what you have, your self-esteem increases and stress decreases.

Mayo Clinic Minute: 3 tips to reduce holiday stress (April 2024)

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