6 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Fake An Orgasm

Have you been for a long time? one hour? two hours? three hours? ? juggling during a sexual relationship. Your partner has already reached orgasm and has recovered.

Or not quite so long as you are in action, but is that action so discouraged that you would like to put an end to this boredom right away?

Maybe the sex is even pleasurable and your partner is trying hard, but for some reason you can't totally relax and you're not getting there.

Whatever the reason, faking an orgasm may seem like a good way to end a boring sexual relationship or not to disappoint a dedicated partner.

It may even be that the lie works at first, but if it becomes a habit, will you be at a great disadvantage? and your partner too. Here are some consequences of this practice:

Read also: Female Orgasm Guide: The Pleasure of Theory to Practice

1. You are missing out on health benefits

Orgasm causes the release of several wellness-related neurotransmitters, such as dopamine, endorphins, and oxytocin.

These substances are able to improve sleep, relieve pain, decrease anxiety, strengthen the immune system and promote concentration. By faking an orgasm, you fail to enjoy all these benefits.

2. Pretending Orgasm Harms Everyone's Sex

Even more so if you decide to pretend because your partner is bad in bed! As you may know, many men learn? the functioning of the female body through pornographic videos? that is, endless penetration and two seconds of clitoral stimulation.

Pretending an orgasm because the partner is sending so badly reinforces this idea. If he is your steady partner, you will suffer from bad sex. If you are a casual partner, other women will have the same problem. That is widespread frustration!

3. Your partner will keep doing wrong

When we reach true orgasm, we are signaling to the partner which types of stimulation really give us pleasure. Connected partners are able to pick up on these signals and increasingly understand each other's bodies.

Read also: Clitoris Handbook: Everything You Need to Know for Pleasure

However, by faking an orgasm, your partner will get the wrong message and will keep repeating actions that do not really bring you pleasure. After all, he thinks that works!

4. Pretending is dishonest

If it's a one-night relationship, we even understand. However, if you are faking orgasm with your steady partner, with whom you have an affective relationship, this may be a dishonest attitude.

Think about it the other way around: your partner may even have the best of intentions and fake an orgasm so as not to hurt you, but you would probably be mistaken if you discovered after months (or years!) That all those pleasure reactions were false.

5. Sex becomes obligation

Biologically speaking, orgasm is a mechanism that motivates us to want to have sex again. When not reaching orgasm becomes routine, sex becomes frustrating and you lose interest? that is, it becomes an obligation.

When you have orgasms with your partner, it means that you were relaxed, sexually present and connected with him. Without orgasm, you have none of that.

Read also: Men also fake orgasm

6. You Forget Your Own Pleasure

When you fake an orgasm, you are convincing yourself that your pleasure is not that important. For know that he is! Don't think you're taking too long? (each person has their time) and it is better to let it go.

By faking an orgasm, you take pleasure in yourself and deprive your partner of the opportunity to please you. You may end up losing the intimacy and bond that orgasms create between the couple.

Of course, orgasm should not be an obligation in every sexual relationship, but simply giving up pleasure just to please your partner will not do you or your relationship any good. So enough to pretend!

What If You Stopped Masturbating? (April 2024)

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