6 Tips for Washing Bowls Like a Pro

Because they are fragile and very delicate, the cups require extra care when cleaning. That's because apart from proper cleaning, nothing better than letting them shine to serve drinks on a special date or meeting with family and friends, right? So, write down the tips to make your pieces look beautiful, clean and of course, so you can enjoy the taste of a good wine!

1. Water temperature

The ideal is to wash them with warm water, because placing the piece in very high temperatures can cause thermal shock, which can damage or even crack them. Many people have doubts if it is advisable to wash them in dishwashers. Power can, but you have to be very careful. Not to break them, I always indicate manual washing. Is it more practical, faster and the result is impeccable ?, suggests the personal organizer, Pedro Simão. If you choose to wash them in the sink, be sure to put a cloth at the bottom of the toilet so that if the cup runs out of your hands , the fall is dampened.

2. Neutral detergent

Choose brands that offer odorless detergents to clean the bowls. In a clean bowl, pour 1L of warm water and two drops of detergent. Dip the bowl gently and gently rub the sponge over the piece. That way, you go cleaning one by one, without aggression ?, directs Simon.

3. Choice of sponge

Forget steel wool or sponges that have textures or designs to clean the bowls, after all, can these products scratch? easily ? all your cups. Ideally, the sponges are delicate and very soft. Carefully wipe the bowls to remove the thicker dirt. Then dip the part in the water + detergent solution ?, says the personal.

4. Goodbye, fat!

If the cups need more intense cleaning, opt for the very soft bristled brushes to remove impurities. • The water + vinegar combo is also efficient for cleaning parts without causing any damage. To remove the vinegar odor, dip the bowl in the water + neutral detergent solution ?, suggests the expert.

5. Drying

To dry, care must be redoubled, after all, it must be removed any odor during this process. For this, prefer to dry the pieces with lint-free cloths. • Leave aside the rags already used to dry. Choose a new and preferably 100% cotton? Guides the personal.

6. More brightness, please!

Prefer the flannel cloths to polish the bowls. Once washed, allow them to dry with their mouths up. After they are relatively dry, take the cloth and buff firmly. You will bring shine to all the pieces !? indicates Simon.

Your glasses are properly cleaned and ready for you to enjoy great drinks!

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