6 ways to scare away flies

With high temperatures reaching 40 degrees Celsius and increasing air humidity, a significant increase in the number of houseflies is common. Considered one of the most common insects, the fly can contaminate food and spread a variety of diseases in humans, such as conjunctivitis, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, diarrhea, among others.

But how to keep the house free of these unwanted hosts? The answer lies primarily in cleaning the environment.

Keeping the house properly clean, without food scraps, with countertops, sinks and floors always dry contributes to the decrease in the number of flies. Added to this is the frequent removal of garbage and washing the trash.

In addition to cleaning, there are other natural and artificial ways to keep the environment free from unwanted flies. Check out some of them:

1. Insecticide

According to Karlla Patrícia, PhD in Zoology, products containing DEET (compound N, N-diethyl-meta-toluamide) and citronella oil are proven effective and have been used since the time of World War II.

Scientists have tested electrophysiological responses from olfactory sensory neurons that are located in the antennae of flies and found that the insecticide makes them unaware that there are food nearby.

2. Vinegar

After cleaning the environment, try a wet cloth with some vinegar all over the house, yard, porches, benches.

3. Cloves and Lemon

According to Margarete Camargo, PhD in Phytopathology and professor of the Phytosanitary Department of UNESP, cloves spiked in lemon, keep away flies and mosquitoes, including those of dengue. Try burying some cloves in lemon and scatter them around the house. The combination also works to keep bad odors out of the fridge.

4. Water, alcohol and rue

Separate 1 liter of water, 1 250 ml glass of regular alcohol and 100 g of fresh rue. Beat them in a blender for about a minute, strain the mixture and store in a spray bottle. Spread the product around the house mainly in the early evening. Natural insecticide can also be used on the floor and sink to ward off ants.

5. Laurel, eucalyptus and basil

Another good tip is to mix bay leaves, eucalyptus and basil by placing them in sachets that can be scattered throughout the environment.

6. Homemade Trap

For homes with a large amount of flies it is recommended to prepare a home trap. Take a PET bottle, cut it in half and paint it black. Mix 1 cup of water with 2 tablespoons of brown sugar and boil. Allow to cool and add 1 gram of fresh yeast. Put this liquid into the PET bowl and hang it. The flies will be attracted and trapped there. The lack of light in the vessel prevents the fly from leaving when it is attracted to the trap. It is important to change this container every 3 months.

This Is How To Keep Flies Out Of Your House All Year (April 2024)

  • Cleaning
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