7 Habits That Can Decrease Your Chance Of Cancer

According to the National Cancer Institute, Inca, 8.2 million people die from cancer every year in the world. In Brazil, it is estimated that there were almost 600,000 new cases in 2016.

In an interview with El País, Dr. Josep Tabernero, director of the Vall d? Hebron Institute of Oncology (VHIO) in Barcelona, ​​Spain, suggests 10 measures that could reduce 40% of tumors.

The best part: Three of these measures (combating pollution, encouraging vaccination programs, and investing in screening programs) depend on political decisions, but can the other seven measures be done by anyone? including you.

It is worth knowing and putting into practice the 7 habits that can prevent the appearance of 40% of tumors. See what they are:

1. Eliminate tobacco

According to Inca, tobacco is responsible for 30% of various cancers such as lung, mouth, larynx, pharynx, esophagus, pancreas, kidney, bladder, cervix, stomach and liver.

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In addition, whoever is next to the smoker is also harmed by secondhand smoke. To give you an idea, the smoke that comes out of the cigarette ends has 50 times more carcinogens than the smoke inhaled by the smoker itself.

2. Limit alcohol consumption

Is alcohol consumption associated with an increased chance of a person developing at least seven cancers? mouth, throat, larynx, esophagus, liver, colon, intestine and breast.

Although the disease most often occurs in people who are heavy drinkers, tumors may also appear in those who drink "socially", so there are no safe limits on alcohol consumption.

3. Fight obesity

A study published by the British Medical Association showed that half of cases of uterine cancer and one type of esophageal cancer are caused by obesity.

This condition is so dangerous that it only loses to tobacco in the ranking of avoidable factors that most contribute to the emergence of a malignant tumor. In addition, cancer patient mortality is higher among those who are obese.

Read also: Oral cancer: symptoms, diagnosis, prevention and treatment

4. Have a low fat diet and red meat

According to a Harvard University study, a person who eats one pound of beef a day has a 10 percent chance of dying from cancer. This percentage rises to 16% for processed meat such as hamburger, sausage or bacon.

You don't have to eliminate red meat from your life, but it is recommended to prefer lean white meat and limit red meat consumption to a maximum of 70 grams (half a steak) per day.

5. Maintain a high fiber diet

You already know that fiber is very important for proper bowel function. What you may not know yet is that they also contribute to cancer prevention.

A high-fiber diet shortens the time the food stays in the gut, as does the contact of carcinogens with the intestinal mucosa.

Per day, it is recommended that an adult consume about 25 grams of fiber, which corresponds to at least five portions of starchless fruits and vegetables such as vegetables, carrots, tomatoes, beets, etc., and three portions of whole grains, like brown rice or oatmeal.

Also read: Is red meat bad for your health?

The portion of fruits and vegetables can be measured by the amount that fits in the palm, while the portion of cereals is half a cup.

6. Exercise

Practicing at least 30 minutes of physical activity a day reduces the possibility of developing cancer.

This is because exercise helps balance hormone levels, shortens bowel transit time (as well as fiber), helps maintain weight in a healthy range, and increases your body's defenses, protecting you against cancer.

7. Protect yourself from sun exposure

Sun exposure, especially to ultraviolet rays, is the main cause of melanoma (rarer and very aggressive) and non-melanoma (more frequent and less aggressive) skin cancer.

The influence of ultraviolet rays on the development of skin cancer is even greater in people with a family history of the disease and fair skin and hair.

Read also: How to choose sunscreen

You already know the ways to protect yourself from sun exposure, but it is worth remembering: avoid sun exposure between 10am and 4pm, apply at least 15 SPF drop filter and wear a hat, sunglasses and other physical barriers against the sun. Sun light.

According to researcher Tabernero, if these measures were put into practice cancer would cease to be the leading cause of death in the world, and this position would return to cardiovascular disease. It's worth investing in these changes, isn't it?

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  • Fitness, Cancer, Prevention and Treatment
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