7 Signs You're Obsessed With The Gym

In life, everything needs to have a balance, so the lack or exaggeration of some aspect can have negative consequences, even when the exaggeration is in health and body care. Check out the signs below and see if your relationship with the gym is being exaggerated:

  1. Your friends stopped calling you out because you never have time for anything other than working out. If the gym gets in the way of your social life, it's time to rethink your schedule and take time to hang out with friends and family.
  2. Other academy customers have asked you if you work there, and even employees treat you like you're one of them.
  3. Your time is divided between: work and gym. Remember that it is important to engage in leisure activities such as watching a movie, hanging out with friends, traveling, cycling outdoors, etc.
  4. You already have your favorite gym equipment and are jealous when other gym customers use them on their time. Take it easy! Try changing your gadgets from time to time and don't get so attached to gym objects.
  5. You feel as bad for missing the gym as for losing a loved one. Reassess your priorities in life. Missing a day for a good reason won't make you regress in your workout.
  6. You no longer know what it is like to live without muscle pain and relaxants are already part of your daily life. Caution: Taking this type of medicine without guidance and without limits can seriously damage your health, especially your stomach.
  7. You do not rest any day of the week. Choose at least one day for your body to relax and recover. Take advantage of Sunday to do other activities that have nothing to do with physical activity. Read a book, watch TV or go to the movies.

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  • Good shape
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