8 types of exercise to tone the inner thigh

Upon entering the gym or starting any other kind of physical activity, each person carries with it their goal. Some want to lose weight; others seek a stiffer body or, simply, more health and quality of life.

However, a very common desire among women is to tone the inner thigh, leaving their legs more defined. But it is true that this is not always an easy result to achieve, which causes many people to wonder why this difficulty.

Thaina Rodrigues, 26, an educator, says she has been doing weight training for about 5 years, and that she had great results with her training, but it took a long time to get the legs she wanted. “When I started activities, I was chubby. Soon I lost weight and got a nice body. However, it took me a long time to define my legs, especially the inner thighs, where I had that "typical fat". But after much persistence and professional guidance, I achieved the results I expected, he says.

Denise de Toledo Oka, a professor at Bio Ritmo, points out that the difficulty in toning the inner thigh is explained by the fact that this is a region of fat accumulation for women. "The muscles below the adipose tissue may be strong, but you don't notice," he says.

What to do?

But if this difficulty actually exists, what is the best way to tone the inner thigh? Below, Physical Education professionals explain the best exercises for this.

1. Squats: Professor Denise de Toledo explains that squats are one of the exercises that can stimulate this thigh muscle.

The exercise can be done in different ways, as directed by your personal or teacher, but a good tip is the free squat with the long bar. Intense and deep, it works the entire quadriceps muscles.

The bar must be above the trapezius musculature; With feet and legs hip-width apart, the person should lower to the heel and return to the starting position.

2. Leg press 45: another tip from teacher Denise de Toledo is leg 45. Check out how it's done in the video below:

Always remember to follow a professional's guidelines to know how much weight you should use to do the exercise and how to perform it correctly.

3. Horizontal leg press: This is another exercise quoted by Professor Denise.

The horizontal leg press is also known as the "sitting leg press" as it is done with the sitting person. The feet are pressed against a plate, which is attached to a weight by a wire rope. In neutral position you keep your knees bent; and when you stretch your legs, press against the plate and pull the weights.

4. Sink: Another exercise that can stimulate the thigh muscles, quoted by Professor Denise de Toledo.

It can also be performed in different ways, but a good tip is the bar sink. It is a relatively difficult exercise because it requires balance, but it is intense and works all quadriceps. It is necessary to place the barbell on the trapezius muscles and, standing, step forward, keep the back heel off the ground. Perform knee flexion and return to starting position again.

5. Thigh adduction: Denise points out that if you want something more specific to the inner thigh, you can go for thigh adduction movements, which can be easily done with shin guards, elastic bands, or on machines like the adductor chairs.

In the case of shin pad exercise, Sandra Bezerra, a Contours Academy physical education teacher, explains how to do it: “lie on a side mat, put a shin on your right leg, keep with a slight bend, and your leg keep flexed with your foot flat on the floor. The leg with the shin will perform the lifting movement of the shin. Then change the side. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions? He says.

See an example in the video below:

6. Cardiovascular Activities: Professor Denise adds that they are interesting in helping to reduce fat, so that one can see the result of weight training.

7. Abductor apparatus: Sandra Bezerra's tip is, in the gym, to use the device called abductor. "It has an accent and two padded levers attached to a weight, and you must force it to close with your legs and pull them together," he explains.

The teacher's orientation is to perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

8. Swiss Ball: Another orientation of teacher Sandra is to use the swiss ball."Lie on the mat on your side, position the ball between your legs, keeping them extended, squeeze for 3 seconds, contracting the inner thigh muscles and release," he explains.

For this exercise, Sandra Bezerra's orientation is also to perform 3 sets of 15 repetitions.

And you, also want to tone the inner thigh? You now have great exercise tips and you can talk better with your teacher or personal about your goal. Remember that physical activities must always be guided by a professional and also must be combined with healthy eating, so that, in fact, the results are achieved!

7 Best Exercises to Lose Inner Thigh Fat Fast (April 2024)

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