9 Amazing Fruit Facts

Fruits often offer many benefits to the body and therefore their consumption is encouraged. But there are some curiosities about them that a lot of people don't know about. Check out:

  1. Not all oranges are orange
  2. In some regions, such as Brazil, there is never enough cold to break all the chlorophyll of the fruit's rind, which means it can turn yellow or green even when ripe. Americans cannot understand this and subject the oranges to a treatment process to rid them of chlorophyll and turn them orange.

  3. Most fruits marketed are clones
  4. When looking at supermarket shelves it is common to see perfectly identical apples, as well as oranges, peaches and other fruits. This is because cloning is done so that they remain perfect without the genetic mutations that occur in flower pollination or seed planting.

  5. Japanese Yubari Melons Are The Most Expensive Fruits In The World
  6. Two melons were sold at auction for $ 23,500. In Japan people pay high prices for luxury fruits. Although demand has fallen in recent years, the numbers are still staggering.

  7. Bananas are artificially ripened
  8. Because bananas are so delicate and perishable, they are usually sent still green to distributors, who use the technology to ripen them before they hit markets.

  9. Grapefruit can be bad for your health
  10. This is because there may be dangerous reactions with some medications and consumption can be fatal as it contains natural chemicals that inhibit an enzyme in the gut and increase the heart rate.

  11. Cranberries have the property of? Dripping? or? bounce?
  12. It sounds like magic, but it was discovered in 1880 by a man who dropped a handful of cranberries down the stairs. Today producers still test the? Athletic skills? of the fruit to determine its quality. The higher the heel, the better the berry.

  13. Rhubarb Leaves Are Extremely Poisonous
  14. The leaves of this plant contain a lot of harmful substances. But the stems pose no danger whatsoever and are totally safe to eat.

  15. A pomegranate can have over a thousand seeds
  16. Contrary to some information, which is no more than myth, pomegranate can have much more than 613 seeds, even more than a thousand.

  17. Strawberry is not a fruit
  18. Botanically speaking, it is not fruit. The plant produces a "false fruit" fleshy, but the little seeds on the outside are the true fruits.

Via Buzz Feed

6 Fruit Facts That Will Make You Say "What?" (May 2024)

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