9 Benefits That Will Convince You To Put More Cabbage In Your Diet

Cabbage is a vegetable belonging to the crucifer family, as are broccoli and cauliflower. You may have heard about the numerous benefits of these vegetables, which are considered functional foods.

And the cabbage is no different! At just 43 calories per cup, this common food offers a number of benefits to our health. Know the main ones:

1. Cabbage is an excellent source of nutrients.

Even with very few calories, cabbage is a powerful source of various nutrients. In just one cup of the white variety, you find 85% of the recommended daily intake of vitamin K and 54% of vitamin C.

Other notable nutrients are folate, manganese, vitamin B6, calcium, potassium and magnesium.

2. It helps fight inflammatory processes

Inflammation is a natural process of our body to defend us from infectious agents. However, chronic inflammation over a long period is associated with heart disease, rheumatoid arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.

Also read: 20 Vitamin K Rich Foods to Ensure Your Daily Dosage

Cabbage, like other cruciferous vegetables, has a large amount of antioxidants such as sulforaphane and campferol, which help to reduce the inflammatory process and reduce the risk of these diseases. (1)

3. Cabbage is rich in vitamin C

Cabbage is an excellent source of vitamin C, especially if it is the purple variety: one cup provides 85% of the recommended daily intake of this nutrient, the same amount found in a small orange.

Vitamin C is a collagen production stimulating agent that prevents the appearance of wrinkles and sagging skin and is fundamental for the health of bones, muscles and blood vessels (2). In addition, it has antioxidant power, which gives cabbage properties against various types of cancer and other chronic diseases (3).

4. Benefits for digestion

Because it is rich in insoluble fiber (a type of carbohydrate that our bodies cannot process), cabbage facilitates digestion by increasing stool volume and regulating bowel movements (4).

In addition, its high soluble fiber content is an excellent food for the good bacteria in our gut known as probiotics. These microorganisms protect the immune system and are capable of producing important nutrients such as vitamin K2 and B12 (5, 6).

Read also: 10 Magnesium Rich Foods and Their Health Benefits

5. Cabbage is good for the heart

The vibrant color of red cabbage is the result of the presence of anthocyanins, plant pigments that belong to the flavonoid family (found mainly in the skin of dark colored grapes).

These pigments have been related to a reduction in the risk of infarction and coronary artery disease and a decrease in blood pressure (7, 8). In addition, the anti-inflammatory properties of cabbage also help to protect heart health.

6. Helps regulate blood pressure

Those with high blood pressure or hypertension know that their dietary sodium intake needs to be reduced. However, some studies show that increasing potassium intake, which is especially present in red cabbage, is as important as decreasing salt (9).

This is because this mineral stimulates the body to eliminate sodium in the urine and relaxes the blood vessel walls, helping to reduce pressure. Two cups of red cabbage provide 12% of the recommended daily intake of potassium.

7. Cabbage May Reduce Cholesterol Levels

Cabbage acts to regulate cholesterol levels in two ways. The first of these is due to their content of soluble fiber, which binds to bad cholesterol (LDL) molecules in the gut and prevents them from being absorbed into the body.

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The second form happens thanks to the presence of the phytosterols. These substances have a chemical structure very similar to that of LDL, so they are able to bind to channels that absorb bad cholesterol, blocking the passage and facilitating their elimination.

8. It is an excellent source of vitamin K1.

A cup of cabbage provides 85% of the daily requirement for vitamin K1, which acts as a cofactor for blood coagulation enzymes.

If this vitamin is missing, the body may experience gum bleeding and increase the risk of bleeding.

9. Cabbage is versatile and affordable.

Besides offering so many health benefits, cabbage is still a very easy food to be included in the diet. It can be eaten raw or cooked in dishes such as salads, soups and broths. Not to mention the fermented version, sauerkraut, which is an excellent source of probiotics.

Best of all, cabbage is easily found at fairs and supermarkets and is often very affordable. It is worth including this vegetable in your diet.

Read also: 15 Prebiotic Rich Foods You Should Include in Your Diet

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