Why don't they call the next day?

You're at a party and a certain guy keeps looking at you. Time goes by and the exchange of glances does not end until he approaches and chats with you. You end up staying and at the end of the night you change phones. Well, girl, this story can end in two different ways: the first one, the guy calls you the next day and invites you out with him again; In the second, it takes two and a half millennia to call, when it does not disappear completely.

The problem is me?

No one likes to feel it was used. When you stay with a person and he says he'll call you, naturally you expect that to be true. Sound obvious? It is not. In male logic, that? I'll call you tomorrow? it may just be a polite way to say goodbye without looking like a scoundrel. If, for women, a phrase like this is a sacred commitment, often for men, it is just a conversation.

This is not to say that he did not like to meet you or to have someone else in his mind at the moment, it just means that he did not feel the chemistry needed to push things forward. It's not your fault, you probably didn't do anything wrong, but the guy just isn't interested in continuing to find you. Simple and without drama.

Can I call?

If, although you have not called, the boy has given you his phone and you are extremely interested, it is okay to send a message or call.

Wait a few days before taking this action. This time will help you decide if you really want to do this and will give you a legal deadline to see if the guy gets in touch. Yes, even if he doesn't call you the next day, that doesn't mean he won't ever call. So after a few days (or next weekend), send a short message by saying hello, remembering who you are and subtly inviting "to do something".

Don't play psycho

If the boy in question doesn't answer you or doesn't answer your call, get out. Under no circumstances is it worth sending a million messages or calling several times in a row. This scares a lot more than solves the problem. Imagine that unpleasant situation, someone you're not interested in pestering you all day.

Understand that he had enough time to look for you and did not look for you, and did not match your approach attempt. These are two very clear signs that he really doesn't want to talk to you. Don't play crazy on the phone and don't act out. Just accept and excel.

What if he calls after that?

Men are strange and complex creatures. It may be that on any given day, when you least expect it, the phone will ring and be handsome. In this case, you have two options: can you agree to go out with him? maybe he suddenly realized what he was missing ?! ? and you risk being? forgotten? again, or can you say a simple one? no thanks, but I already have an appointment? and move on to another. Whatever your decision, just remember not to humble yourself before him. Nobody ? and you much less? deserve to beg? for a date.

Panic! At The Disco - High Hopes (Official Video) (April 2024)

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