9 Little-Known Ways to Fight Anxiety

Anxiety sufferers know that there is plenty of advice to deal with, but they always say the same things: deep breathing, meditating, writing down their concerns.

But if these techniques aren't working for you, trying a few different alternatives can help. New habits can lessen everyday symptoms, even if they do not completely eradicate the problem.

Holistic therapies are good examples and are already being used as natural treatments by some specialists, which guarantee their effectiveness. By definition, holistic means treating the whole person, physically, mentally and spiritually. Here are some suggestions:

1. Do self hypnosis

Hypnosis can be used in itself to help control anxiety symptoms. No need to be afraid. It's just a simple way to help the brain change its tune. Fast brain waves associated with work, stress, and anxiety are transformed into slow, dreamy, relaxing brain waves. There are several applications that can be used to help start self hypnosis.

2. Combine prebiotics and probiotics

Gut health plays an important role in mental health, and in this regard, taking care of your bowel health can have surprising results. For this the tip is to combine some probiotic foods? that help strengthen bacterial flora? with prebiotic foods? that stimulate the immune system and fight inflammation.

Read also: Is it possible to control anxiety?

3. Color a mandala

Adult coloring books have recently increased in popularity. And that has a good reason. Researchers have found that coloring for 10 minutes a day can help reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety. But it is not simply coloring anything. The research compared the different patterns and the mandalas were the most effective in healing.

4. Discover the best foods

Experts say certain foods can affect mental health. For example, eating too much refined sugar or refined flour can increase anxiety. Finding a balance in meals is important. Incorporate healthier options, go testing and make adjustments as needed.

Step on the ground

Barefoot on the earth's natural surfaces can do wonders for anxiety. Research has shown that grounding helps reduce stress, anxiety, depression and irritability. This is because our bodies and minds are affected by the rhythm of the day and night, the seasons, the moon. So there is a different feeling when you are on a beach with your feet in the waves or standing on a mountain.

6. Use flower essences

Flower essences are herbal infusions made from the flowering part of the plant that uniquely address the emotional and mental aspects of well-being. They are safe and have no side effects, but should be prescribed specifically for a person and their specific challenges, be it fear, worry or other obsessive behaviors.

7. Practice Yoga Nidra

Yoga is great for reducing stress and anxiety, but yoga nidra is a different form of this practice that does not involve exercise or movement. It is a deep relaxation therapy that uses a specific guided meditation technique, listened to in a comfortable position for 20 to 35 minutes a day. Studies have proven that patients with mild to moderate anxiety and depressive symptoms showed significant improvement after six months of this practice.

Read also: 10 Natural Soothing that Help Treat Anxiety, Insomnia, and Even Depression

8. Do volunteer work

Helping others can really improve your own psychological well-being. Doing something meaningful helps you stay active. And working with people, volunteering can be a good solution.

9. Using the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

The Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) uses the meridians, which are the pressure points of Chinese medicine, to help reduce anxiety. By tapping the specific meridians with your fingertips, entering the moving energy, they will move to a more positive focus. On the internet there are pages that best teach this technique.

Although these tips do not cure anxiety, they certainly offer relief, especially when turned into daily habits. And they have few side effects, meaning they do no harm. So it is worth a try!

Be The Warrior Not The Worrier - Fighting Anxiety & Fear | Angela Ceberano | TEDxBedminster (April 2024)

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